Principal Investigator:Reimink, Jesse R Licensed Year(s):
201320122011 Summary:
The present study aims to obtain information with the following objectives: 1) further describe, sample, and document field relationships and structures present in areas that were sampled and found to be significantly old (>3.8 billion years); 2) explore and sample other units which based on field relationships and mineralogy are likely to be as old or older than previously documented samples; and...
Principal Investigator:Buse, Sarah Licensed Year(s):
This research is for an M.Sc. project focused on defining the granites within the Wecho River area and is in conjunction with the Wecho River Mapping Project (Scientific Licence #13614). Mapping will be conducted throughout the summer. Mapping data will...
Principal Investigator:Ootes, Luke Licensed Year(s):2004
The geology of the Wecho River project area, approximately 100 km north-north-west of Yellowknife, is poorly understood and no modern geoscience data-sets are available. This mapping project will define geological characteristics of the area and provide...
Principal Investigator:Martel, Edith Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be transported from Yellowknife by aircraft, and will travel by small boat in the field. Samples (fist-sized chunks of rock) will be collected with a hammer, and returned to the laboratory for detailed physical and chemical analysis. Field camps will be low impact, and will be occupied by only 2 persons at a time. All human waste will be buried, all non-burnable garbage w...
Principal Investigator:Ward, Brent Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will survey by helicopter and on foot the areas of Lac de Gras and Aylmer Lake in order to investigate the distribution and nature of surface rocks and sediments. This data will be used to create geological maps of the areas as well as to check the accuracy of a preliminary map that was made based on air photo data. As well, samples of rock will be taken for chemical analyses in a...
Principal Investigator:Johnstone, Robert Licensed Year(s):19941993
1991 Summary:
The researcher and his team will traverse throughout the map area examining bedrock exposures and sampling. Observations may help construct a geological map showing lithology, structure and mineral occurences. Rock samples will be collected for geochemical and petrological analysis. The results of the survey will be presented in the form of poster displays, talks, reports and a map for distribu...
Principal Investigator:Farquhar, James Licensed Year(s):1993
The researcher and his team will study chemical and physical interactions between granitic magma and its host rocks. The research aims to characterize both the metamorphic conditions (temperature and pressure of metamorphism) and the chemical changes that occur as a result of interaction between the magma and the metamorphic gneisses....
Principal Investigator:Falck, Hendrik Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his assistant will visit all known gold and mineral resource occurances in the Yellowknife area. The area immediately around the showing will be mapped as to rock types, structures and mineral resources. Samples are returned to town and analyzed for chemcials and minerals....