Quaternary geology of the Lac de Gras and Aylmer Lake areas

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: physical sciences, geology, geochemistry, sediment, rock, mapping

Principal Investigator: Ward, Brent (1)
Licence Number: 12433
Organization: Geological Survey of Canada
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: L. Dredge, B. Pierna, R. Paulen, M. Gingras

Objective(s): To produce surficial geology maps and take samples to establish regional geochemical patterns.

Project Description: The researcher will survey by helicopter and on foot the areas of Lac de Gras and Aylmer Lake in order to investigate the distribution and nature of surface rocks and sediments. This data will be used to create geological maps of the areas as well as to check the accuracy of a preliminary map that was made based on air photo data. As well, samples of rock will be taken for chemical analyses in a laboratory.