64 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Lookout Pond Fish Study - 2003
Principal Investigator: Mercredi, Jayda
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The objective of this project is to determine whether Lookout Pond, at the Ekati Diamond Mine site, is a fish bearing water body. Should any fish be caught, they will be released back into Lookout Pond and the project will be terminated. Fish capture me...

The Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Arsenic in Mine Waste Soils on the Earthworm (Eisenia fetida andrei)
Principal Investigator: Wong, Stephen
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will examine soils which will be collected by DIAND Contaminants Division staff from Yellowknife. Approximately 20 kg of contaminated soil will be collected from a site close to the Con Mine. As well, approximately 80 kg of uncontaminated soil (for use as a reference soil) will be collected from a site adjacent to the Rae Highway. All soils will be returned to a laboratory at ...

Effects of Processed Kimberlite Effluent from the Ekati Diamond Mine, NT on Freshwater Zooplankton.
Principal Investigator: Liber, Karsten
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will be transported to Long Lake by aircraft, and will travel by truck on the mine site. Sample collection will be carried out using a motorized boat. Water and phytoplankton samples will be collected using a 10 L Go-Flo water sampler. Zooplankton samples will be collected using a zooplankton net. There are three taxa of freshwater zooplankton that may be collected from Long ...

Colomac Mine Abandonment and Restoration Plan - Fisheries Component
Principal Investigator: Thomas, Craig J
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: This is a preliminary fisheries study to confirm 1989 baseline studies and to assist in impact assessment for Abandonment and Restoration (A & R) Plan for site closure. The researchers will conduct habitat assessments along drainages of Steeves Lake and Indin River (i.e. fish habitat mapping, assessment of habitat potential, 'spot check' confirmation of fish communities, the collection of instant...

The Effectiveness of a Diversion Channel in Providing Fish Habitat in NWT Barrenlands
Principal Investigator: Jones, Nicholas
Licensed Year(s): 2001 2000 1999
Summary: Recently BHP Diamonds Canada has "dewatered" a number of lakes and created a diversion channel to re-route water around two open pit mines. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of the diversion canal as habitat before and after it is enhanced with fish habitat structures and also in relation to natural streams in the area. In early spring Arctic grayling will be captured in we...

1999 Aquatic Baseline Studies Program.
Principal Investigator: Tyson, J. David
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The objectives of this project are to: 1. determine the presence of fishes in selected waterbodies on the BHP Diamonds claim block, 2. determine the extent of utilization of streams by fishes as migration routes, and 3. inventory the quantity and quality of fish habitat in waterbodies supporting fishes. The potential species involved in this monitoring program are Arctic grayling, burbot, lake tr...

1996 Field Evaluation of Aquatic Effects Monitoring Methods to Determine Mining Effects
Principal Investigator: Chapman, Peter M.
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: The Lupin study site is one of seven mine sites being investigated across Canada. Receiving water samples will be collected for chemistry (total and dissolved metals) and toxicity testing. To ensure that a well-defined chemical gradient exists water and sediment will be collected from reference and exposure stations at the study site. Sediment samples will be collected for chemistry (total orga...

Phase 3 Environmental Baseline Program, Diavik Diamond Project, Lac de Gras, NWT
Principal Investigator: Digel, Mark
Licensed Year(s): 1996 1995
Summary: Methods of data collection will include water quality and bottom sampling in Lac de Gras and Lac du Sauvage; automatic and manual water level recordings; bathometric work; automatic weather stations and the monitoring of air-borne particles and visibility; continuation of baseline studies of soils and terrain, and vegetation; fish population, habitat, health, and spawning habits studies; baseline ...

NWT Diamonds Project - Revegetation Research
Principal Investigator: Witteman, John
Licensed Year(s): 1996 1995
Summary: As part of overall reclamation goals of BHP, the 1996 season will focus on three components. Vegetation response will be assessed in August using the point-frame method. Within the legume, indigenous seed and shrub cutting plots, plant density will be recorded. Soil samples in replicates of three will be collected from each treatment to analyze physical and chemical characteristics. Secondly, ...

Enviornmental assessment/monitoring studies of the aquatic resources in the Lac De Gras area.
Principal Investigator: Reed, Shawna
Licensed Year(s): 1995
Summary: The researchers will be utilizing the following techniques for assessing aquatic biota and fish habitat utilization: gillnetting (various sizes and meshes), trapnetting (mark-recapture program), minnow-trapping and electroshocking (backpack model). A select number of fish will also be retained for aging (using otoliths), tissue metals concentration and diet analysis....