Principal Investigator:Froese, Duane G Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5160.
The research team will use airborne geophysics (helicopter-based surveys) flying the central Mackenzie Valley corridor along the existing winter road to map permafrost across different landforms and terrain types. The objectives of this study are to: 1) Fly multiple lines of airborne electromagnetic geophysical data ...
Principal Investigator:Rudolph, David Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5617.
Within the Central Mackenzie Valley of the Northwest Territories (NWT), discontinuity and rapid change within the regional permafrost is anticipated to be influencing landscape, hydrology, habitat and ecosystem characteristics along with presenting challenges for the stability of constructed infrastructure. Mapping t...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):2023
202120202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5181.
The combined temperature and active layer monitoring network extends from Fort Simpson to the Arctic Coast. With monitoring instrumentation already in place through work under previous licenses, the main work of this phase will be data collection. While different parts of the network can be visited at different times ...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):20182017201620152014
2012201120102009200820072006 Summary:
This project combines the ongoing monitoring program of the same title (Permafrost monitoring and collection of baseline terrain information in the Mackenzie Valley Corridor, NWT) and the activities previously undertaken by the project title, “Active Layer Monitoring Network in the Mackenzie Valley”.
The objectives of this study are to provide baseline knowledge of permafrost and terrain condit...
Principal Investigator:Bhatti, Jagtar Licensed Year(s):
2010200920082007 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. map and assess changes in the distribution and composition of forest and peatland ecosystems due to climate changes;
2. estimate carbon storage (and variation) in boreal to arctic ecoregions of the Mackenzie valley; and
3. assess interannual and seasonal variations and key processes controlling carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) dynamics.
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Mark Licensed Year(s):2008200720062005200420032002
20001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
This season, a party of two will survey tubes between Tsiigehtchic and the coast during March and April and from Fort Simpson to the Arctic Coast in July and August. Staff of the Inuvik Research Centre may take late season measurements north and south of Inuvik as part of a cooperative program. Travel will be by road, small boat on the river and helicopter from Inuvik. Access to the sites is alw...
Principal Investigator:Cohen, Stewart Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The Mackenzie Basin Impact Study will assess the potential impacts of global climatic change on the region. The component on land assessment will determine possible changes in land capability. Information on resource management goals is needed so that the study can can assess whether changes in land capability might lead to conflicts over land use....