97 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped): Not seeing the results you want? Tryadvanced search.
Principal Investigator:Gowman, Joel A Licensed Year(s):
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #889.
The goal of this research is to determine the environmental impacts present at the BAR-C – Tununuk site and to develop estimates of the various waste components (hydrocarbon and metal/PCB impacted soils, non-hazardous materials, and hazardous materials). INAC is focused on accelerating the remediation of contaminated si...
Principal Investigator:Gowman, Joel A Licensed Year(s):
The research is focused on accelerating the remediation of Federal Contaminated Sites Action Program (FCSAP) on Victoria Island. The research focuses on determining the remaining risks at the sites and developing a plan to address those risks. There will be an environmental site assessment which involves the collection of soil, sediment, water, and materials (a detailed explanation of the sampl...
Principal Investigator:Thompson, Amy L Licensed Year(s):
2007 Summary:
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application # 778.
This research will examine the livers of Loche fish in the GSA. This research will be completed through: 1) field collection of loche in each of the GSA communities; 2) biological sampling of loche; 3) analysis of stomach health and aging (using isotopes). More specifically, biological measurements will be taken for ea...
Principal Investigator:Chan, Laurie H. M. Licensed Year(s):
This study seeks to identify levels of contaminants in country foods in the region from which to estimate body burden of contaminants in participants of the Inuit Health Survey. The data will be utilized to assess the overall health status of survey participants, which will include studying the relationship between diet intake of contaminants and body burden; evaluating the complex interactions be...
Principal Investigator:Berry, Dan Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the Unipkat I-22 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is to identify contaminates and their concentrations, as well as to delineate the extent of any contamination at this historic drilling sump site.
The Unipkat I-22 Phase II ESA is designed to gain the maximum amount of site data. Potential contaminants of concern will be identified during the historical file review, but it i...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
This study is designed to determine what the levels of contaminants are in char when these fish return from feeding in the ocean in the summer.
This is the fourth year of a study investigating the contaminant levels in sea-run Arctic char as they return from feeding in the ocean. The reason this study is being conducted is to provide communities with more information on the chemical levels in t...
Principal Investigator:Sampson, Jack Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this project at the Tuktoyaktuk Base Camp is to sample soil, surface water and groundwater in the area; sample and characterize materials in Seacans; investigate and characterize landfill waste; investigate soil impact, residual fluids in tanks, and potential historical spill areas – as well as inspect the docks and assess the condition of infrastructure. Imperial Oil intends to dec...
Principal Investigator:Sampson, Jack Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this project is to conduct debris clean up and further environmental assessment of the drilling sumps at the Taglu D-43 and G-33 well sites, as a follow-up to the 2004 limited investigation to confirm sump contents are appropriately contained. Furthermore, at the G-33 site, previously reported hydrocarbon stained soil will be removed and debris will be cleaned up at the Ivik J-26 we...
Principal Investigator:Hoyt, Andrea J. Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
In the fall of 2004, the West Side Working Group decided to develop a program to monitor the Big Fish River, involving students from the high school, Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) members, and elders. This project will include a week-long field trip each year to the Big Fish River, as well as classroom learning, and reporting back to community members. The project will monitor changes in ...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):200920082007
This study is designed to fill gaps in Environment Canada’s understanding of the aquatic environment potentially impacted by various aspects of the Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP). Potential stressors including: increased erosion, nutrient releases from sewage discharges, other chemical releases, water withdrawals, impacts of barge traffic, increased atmospheric emissions, etc. The focus will be on th...