Principal Investigator:Lantz, Trevor C. Licensed Year(s):
20052004 Summary:
The objective of this research is to explore the influence of temperature and disturbance on green alder by comparing alder characteristics on sites with different average temperatures and disturbance histories. Understanding of factors that influence alder populations today will assist in predicting the likely consequences of rising temperatures and increased disturbance on tall shrubs.
A min...
Principal Investigator:Millar, Nathan P Licensed Year(s):
This study involves the determination of the population structure of fish in the Mackenzie River. Specific objectives include the delineation of stocks of three fish species: loche (Lota lota), crookedback (Coregonus clupeaformis) and coney (Stenodus leucicthys), and the identification of downstream fisheries as mixed-stock or single-stock fisheries. A population genetics approach will be employed...
Principal Investigator:Katz, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are to: build a compendium of Northwest Territories' dyes; develop protocols for medium-scale, reproducible dyes; produce dyes from non-traditional sources available in the region; provide dyes for northern arts and crafts; and, obtain information needed to establish a community-based dye industry in NWT communities.
The researchers will conduct interviews of elder...
Principal Investigator:Osawa, Akira Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will measure black spruce forests along the Dempster Highway. They will determine if the trees can only grow to a certain limit that cannot be surpassed, regardless of the number of trees per hectare. A limit of this kind was recently discovered in Siberia.
The number of trees per hectare and above-ground biomass will be estimated in numerous black spruce stands. A method ...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
200420032002 Summary:
The 2005 terrestrial studies include vegetation mapping, rare plant surveys, rare plant mitigation planning, timber cruising, and landform, soil and permafrost investigations. All of the studies will be conducted by three- or four-person crews supported by helicopter. A local assistant will be included as part of each terrestrial survey team to assist in observing and recording data taken at surve...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
200420032002 Summary:
As part of the Mackenzie Valley Gas Project, baseline aquatic studies in the Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA) will continue in 2005. The work will include additional investigations into fish, hydrology and water quality in rivers and lakes previously visited, as well as summer and fall aquatics studies of waterbodies near the infrastructure sites, access roads, and borrow pits.
All of the aquati...
Principal Investigator:Harris, Les Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to establish a baseline collection of tissue and fin samples from broad whitefish that will eventually be used for phylogeographic analysis and the classification of their genetic population structure.
Local Gwich’in and Inuvialuit fishermen will be asked, on a volunteer-only basis, to collect fins or tissue samples from broad whitefish caught during the subsisten...
Principal Investigator:Greene, David F Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
The purpose of this project is to identify the factors that promote or retard forest regrowth after seismic line cutting. Little was known about tree regeneration on seismic lines until the 2001-2003 study by Seccombe-Hett and Walker-Larsen, which showed that older lines were well-stocked but that the delay in coloniziation might be caused by dramatic subsidence and resulting water-logging.
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
20042003 Summary:
The researchers did a number of baseline studies during 2001 through 2004 as part of the Mackenzie Gas Project. These studies are continuing in 2005. Local knowledge and technical/scientific research is being used to design plans, assess impacts, and develop environmental protection plans.
The aquatics field crews will consist of two Mackenzie Project Environment Group researchers and a local as...
Principal Investigator:Vincent, Warwick F. Licensed Year(s):
The aim of this research is to define the influence of the Mackenzie Delta floods on the biological processes and patterns that persist in these shallow water ecosystems. The researchers are looking for links between the sediment on the bottom of the lak...