Structure of black spruce forests on continuous permafrost

Regions: Gwich'in Settlement Area

Tags: physical sciences, biology, forestry, black spruce, tree distribution

Principal Investigator: Osawa, Akira (28)
Licence Number: 13848
Organization: Ryukoku University, Faculty of Intercultural Communication
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Issued: Jun 10, 2005
Project Team: Akira OSAWA (P.I., Ryukoku University), Nahoko KURACHI (organizer in field work, Hiraoka Forest Institute), Hatena OSAWA ((Field assistant), N/A)

Project Description: The researchers will measure black spruce forests along the Dempster Highway. They will determine if the trees can only grow to a certain limit that cannot be surpassed, regardless of the number of trees per hectare. A limit of this kind was recently discovered in Siberia. The number of trees per hectare and above-ground biomass will be estimated in numerous black spruce stands. A method called the Wandering Quarter Method will be used for this estimation, involving the measurement of the distance between trees, stem diameter, and height of trees. This method is non-destructive, and no tree-cutting will be done. Stem cores of about 5 mm diameter will be extracted from a small number of selected trees with a special instrument. The researchers may make an oral presentation about their activities to interested community members. Results will also be published in scientific journals upon completion of the project. The study will be conducted at black spruce stands on Crown Land within 500 m of the Dempster Highway, between the south shore of Campbell Lake and 20 km east of Fort McPherson, and excluding Tsiigehtchic. The study will be conducted from August 15 to August 31, 2005.