Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5776.
This project continues the on-going monitoring program of the same title (Licence # 17182) Permafrost monitoring and collection of baseline terrain information in the Mackenzie Valley Corridor, NWT). This phase of the project is largely data collection. Objectives are:
• To provide baseline knowledge of permafrost ...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):
2022202120202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5419.
This project continues the on-going monitoring and collection of baseline terrain information in the Mackenzie Valley Corridor, NWT. This phase of the project is largely data collection.
Objectives are to provide baseline knowledge of permafrost and terrain conditions (specifically ground temperature and active la...
Principal Investigator:Sonnentag, Oliver Licensed Year(s):
20212019201720162015201420132013 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5221.
The project is the continuation of year-round eddy covariance measurements of carbon, water and energy fluxes at Scotty Creek, established in 2013.
The key methodology is tower-mounted micrometeorological measurements around the eddy covariance technique using an open-path infra-red gas analyzer and a sonic anemome...
Principal Investigator:Sioui, Miguel PS Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4512.
The overall objective is to generate a fusion of leading-edge scientific and Indigenous knowledge on permafrost, and use it as a basis to co-develop new predictive decision support tools and innovative risk management strategies to inventory and manage permafrost and adapt to permafrost thaw.
This program will co-d...
Principal Investigator:Errington, Ruth Licensed Year(s):
After 10 years of warming climate conditions, the Canadian Fire Service is leading a field project to re-measure a series of permanent monitoring plots to identify any changes to the forest stand structure, tree growth rates, plant community composition, tree, shrub, herb, and lichen biomass. These changes will be associated with climate trends and environmental factors such as soil type, presence...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):
201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006 Summary:
This project continues the on-going monitoring program of permafrost monitoring and collection of baseline terrain information in the Mackenzie Valley Corridor, NWT. This phase of the project is largely data collection.
The specific objectives are:
1) to provide baseline knowledge of permafrost and terrain conditions (specifically ground temperature and permafrost active layer thickness) and ...
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Mark Licensed Year(s):2008200720062005200420032002
20001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
This season, a party of two will survey tubes between Tsiigehtchic and the coast during March and April and from Fort Simpson to the Arctic Coast in July and August. Staff of the Inuvik Research Centre may take late season measurements north and south of Inuvik as part of a cooperative program. Travel will be by road, small boat on the river and helicopter from Inuvik. Access to the sites is alw...
Principal Investigator:Wein, Ross Licensed Year(s):
The research will examine permafrost-containing peat plateaus that have burned during severe fires to determine the features of subsidence (decrease) and the rate of subsidence....