250 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Youth in Transition Survey
Principal Investigator: Auchterlonie, Sandy
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: This project will help to provide an understanding of 1) the transitions youth in the NWT face; 2) the difficulties that sometimes go along with transitions; 3) what helps transitions go smoothly; and 4) the programs, services and other resources youth n...

Canadian Youth, Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Study
Principal Investigator: Doherty, Maryanne
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001
Summary: The research team will interview students in Grades 7, 9 and 11 (generally ages 12, 14 and 16) from across Canada to examine the changes that occur in sexual health behaviors and attitudes at critical development stages in adolescence. Nationally, data will be collected from a sample of 1150 students in each of Grades 7, 9 and 11. This method will simulate a longitudinal study of sexual health, ...

Birth Weights of Native Canadians-Rates and Consequences
Principal Investigator: Willows, Noreen
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) of Health Canada, in collaboration with Katherine Gray-Donald (School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University) is sponsoring a research investigation to understand the prevalence of high and low infant birth weight and associated health complications in aboriginal communities across Canada. The goal of this research is to facilitate progra...

Teacher Induction in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Tolley, Muriel
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The researcher will complete a descriptive study using qualitative methods. Beginning teachers in Northwest Territories communities will be surveyed to identify their professional, personal and cultural needs and to identify the most useful supports provided during their induction period. Each participant will be interviewed three times during the year: October, February, June, with the followin...

Alternative Sentencing in Fort Good Hope
Principal Investigator: Blomqvist, Jennifer
Licensed Year(s): 2001 2000
Summary: The researcher will reach Ft. Good Hope by air, and will be based in private accomodations. Data will be collected during interviews with participants in the Hume River bush camp, an alternative sentencing option for Aboriginal offenders. Interviews will be taped, to facilitate data collection. Participation in the study is voluntary, and all participants will sign a consent form. The researcher...

Inuvik Regional Human Contaminants Monitoring Program
Principal Investigator: MacNeil, Chuck
Licensed Year(s): 2000 1999 1998
Summary: The Inuvik Regional Human Contaminants Monitoring Program has finished sampling maternal scalp hair for methyl mercury analysis, and checking maternal and umbilical cord blood for certain organochlorines and metals. The communications phase is now beginning. As of March 2000 participants will have the option to review their medical health records and obtain their personal results. The compiled res...

Environmental Assessment for AEC's proposed oil and gas development activities in the Sahtu, NWT
Principal Investigator: Machtans, Hillary
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The proposed field program is designed to provide information on fish habitat and wildlife in the area of three exploratory petroleum well sites and along their respective access routes in the Fort Liard/Nahanni Butte area. Researchers will travel to the well sites and along access routes sites by helicopter with survey work carried out by air, small boat and on foot. Fish habitat and water quali...

Assessment of Stream Crossings for Planned Improvements to the Mackenzie Valley Winter Road.
Principal Investigator: Johnstone, Robin
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The proposed field program is designed to provide site-specific information on stream crossings, for planned improvements to the Mackenzie Valley winter road route. Researchers will travel to the crossing sites by helicopter from the closest community. At each crossing location, habitat assessments, water quality samples and fish census techniques (outlined in the DFO fisheries research permit) m...

Fort Good Hope NWT Aeromagnetic Survey: Phase II of Mackenzie corridor survey
Principal Investigator: Kiss, Frank
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999
Summary: The purpose of this study is to improve the public knowledge and understanding of the geology of this area, as no publicly available magnetic survey coverage exists. This survey is entirely airborne, with no land access. The aircraft will be equipped with a state of the art magnetometer and navigation systems, including Global Positioning System (GPS). The aircraft will be operating from existing ...

Tobacco Use by Youth in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Tremblay, Rick
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: A similar questionnaire given in 1982, 1987 and 1993 will be used for this tobacco use survey for 1998/99. The information obtained from the data will provide a snap shot of tobacco use by students between grades 4 and 12 for 1998/99. The data will be compared with previous studies to see if there was a change in the smoking habits of students. The data collected will help the Health Promotion s...