Principal Investigator:Young, Kue Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
To assess the views of health care providers and managers in the Northwest Territories (NWT) regarding primary health care in the community in general and issues related to medical travel in particular.
A survey questionnaire will be filled out by the respondent, who has a choice of mailing in a paper copy or completing online. The survey is anonymous – information on name, community of residen...
Principal Investigator:Farmer, Drew Licensed Year(s):
By developing recommendations aimed at closing gaps it is expected that there will be improvements in employee morale, recruitment and retention, and organizational efficiency that will positively impact corporate profitability.
The primary research will consist of employee surveys and interviews that will seek to 1) validate the findings of the Organizational Cultural Inventory; 2) determine t...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deborah L Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. assess the vulnerability of Déline community members to climate change impacts with a focus on impacts to harvesting practices and country food security now and in the future;
2. identify adaptation strategies currently employed or possible for future application by community members in order to mitigate any adverse impacts to traditional harves...
Principal Investigator:Macdonald, Colin R Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to obtain statistically valid numbers of samples of major traditional food items and to analyse them for chemicals of concern, including mercury, and naturally-occurring radionuclides. The conclusions of this, and previous, food studies will be communicated to the community.
Approximately 20 samples of moose or caribou, fish, and waterfowl will be obtained from...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deborah L Licensed Year(s):
This project will gather and present Sahtú Dene and Métis traditional knowledge about the Species At Risk-listed wolverine and its habitat. It will include:
1. A literature review;
2. Interviews and a regional meeting involving knowledge holders from all five Sahtú communities (Tulít'a, Déline, Fort Good Hope, Colville Lake, and Norman Wells); and
3. The development of future projects for rela...
Principal Investigator:Fletcher, Alana Licensed Year(s):
2014 Summary:
The major objective of this proposed 2015 fieldwork is twofold. Firstly, the principle investigator (PI) aims to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the mining- and environment-related materials held at the Déline Land Corporation in order to enrich their understanding of this history as it is understood by the community. Secondly, the PI wants to assist in the creation of a real archive ...
Principal Investigator:Rice, Faun E Licensed Year(s):
The Principle Investigator aims to produce a useful record and analysis not only for Indigenous populations working towards a similar level of independence, but also for Canadian scholars, institutions, and individuals working with First Nations, Metis, or Inuit populations that will help them ensure that their practices are aiding decolonization.
This project will involve ethnographic field r...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deborah L Licensed Year(s):
The short-term objectives for the project are to:
1. Review and build on learnings from previous climate change and health adaptation projects in Tulít’a, Fort Good Hope and Déline, both in terms of the content and the methods used.
2. Strengthen action capacity, leadership and skills through creation of a Sahtu Youth Network for research and action planning on climate change and health.
3. Com...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deb Licensed Year(s):
2014 Summary:
This project includes five linked components.
1. Finalizing and contextualizing the Sahtú Settlement Harvest Study and assessing future harvest monitoring possibilities with community workshops. Engagement with harvesters in workshops will address the potential of harvest monitoring as a tool for community empowerment in wildlife management and to support and maintain the traditional economy.
Principal Investigator:Cameron, Christine Licensed Year(s):
20142013 Summary:
This study attempts to resolve an apparent contradiction between increasing levels of childhood obesity in the Canadian population and parental reports of high levels of physical activity by their children.
This survey and participant recruitment is one part of a project to determine the validity of parental reports on the physical activity levels of children and young adults between 5 and 19 ...