6 record(s) found in the location "Dehcho Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Environmental Studies for Anadarko Canada Energy Ltd.'s Proposed East Liard Gas Gathering System
Principal Investigator: Buckland, Laurie L
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The field studies are required to obtain specific environmental information for the study area and will be used in the preparation of baseline and environmental impact assessment reports in support of regulatory approvals. The study area is a 5 km wide...

Preconstruction biophysical site assessment (wildlife, vegetation) of potential well locations and flow line options within the Significant Discovery Area, and post-construction vegetation and permafrost monitoring on the Cameron Hills Gathering System
Principal Investigator: Hong, Tom
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: A pre-construction biophysical site assessment will focus on wildlife and vegetation. The proposed well-sites will be examined on foot, and the flowlines walked to document vegetation types, including rare species if present. Main vegetation types will b...

2002 Terrestrial Studies in the Deh Cho Region
Principal Investigator: Povey, Andrew
Licensed Year(s): 2004 2003 2002
Summary: The vegetation component of the 2002 baseline studies will focus on completion of the vegetation typing surveys. Initially, a reconnaissance flight will be required along the study corridor. This flight will be used to identify sites for detailed sampling. Sites will be selected to represent the major ecological land units. Where possible, sample sites will be grouped to reduce helicopter time....

Environmental Assessment for the Fort Liard Area Seismic, Drilling and Development Project, Fort Liard, NT.
Principal Investigator: Antoine, Don
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: Nahendeh Land and Environmental Services proposes to conduct baseline studies on behalf of Anadarko Canada Corporation, to determine the presence or absence of fish and wildlife habitat in the vicinity of the proposed project. The wildlife program will consist of a literature review, which would document any information on wildlife populations in the general project area, and identify any data ga...

Digital Database of Vegetation Types of the Mackenzie Valley Development Corridor
Principal Investigator: Squires Taylor, Cindy
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991
Summary: The Researcher will conduct a survey, approximately 30 km on either side of the Mackenzie River using satellite imagery. A classification will be undertaken of the area from the Mackenzie Delta to the Fort Simpson area, with wider zones along the east side to include proposed pipeline routes. The information can be plotted as colour maps to show the location of trap lines, forest fires or wildlife...

Licence #1908
Principal Investigator: Whitney, Paul
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Survey all streams to be crossed by the proposed Foothills Pipeline, conduct aerial and ground surveys of rare and endangered species, and inspect all stockpile and comprssor stations and wharfing sites associated with the proposed pipeline for Foothills Pipeline....