Principal Investigator:Reynolds, Merilie A Licensed Year(s):
2023 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5922.
This research project will investigate the geological processes that formed the Prairie Creek zinc-lead-silver(-germanium) deposit. The goal is to better understand the environment of the ancient ocean where the rocks originally formed, the mountain-building processes that later deformed those rocks, and the nature o...
Principal Investigator:Skeries, Kristina A Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research project is to understand how metals might be weathering from rocks, and to understand where they end up and in which chemical form (the speciation). The importance is to differentiate between the metal species that weather from the rocks, the species by which they are transported, and finally, the species by which they are deposited again, if they are in fact deposit...
Principal Investigator:Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra ADR Licensed Year(s):2007
20052004 Summary:
This project involves surficial geology mapping of unmapped areas of NTS 95 G, H, and I, (61ºN to 63ºN and 120ºW to 124ºW) to assess granular resources, slope instability (landslide occurrence and potential) due to instability of the active layer, forest fires, erosion, and other factors, and regional geochemical analysis of till and gravel samples.
The GSC will be working to improve our under...
Principal Investigator:Falck, Hendrik Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
Parks Canada would like to expand the existing Nahanni National Park Reserve. Before this can be done, mineral and energy resource assessment (MERA) study is needed for the Greater Nahanni Ecosystem so that mineral deposits or oil fields that could provide jobs and wealth for Northerners and Canadians are not overlooked. This study has five main steps: 1) Review all available bedrock geology ...
Principal Investigator:Falck, Hendrik Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
The purpose of this project is to develop and compile an inventory, and improve the understanding of mineral deposits related to granite intrusions in the western Northwest Territories. Understanding the concentrations of metals in the environment is im...
Principal Investigator:Turner, William Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
A two-year collaborative study (2001-2002) between the Geological Survey of Canada - Calgary and CS Lord Northern Geoscience Centre in the southern NWT is commencing its second year. The purpose of the project is to develop a stronger understanding of an...
Principal Investigator:Jowett, David Licensed Year(s):
The research team will complete a study of the Cretaceous strata in the Liard Basin area, using micropaleontology, geochemistry and various correlation techniques. Fieldwork will begin on 1 June 2001, and continue through most of July. The research team will access remote rock outcrops by helicopter, or in some cases by inflatable boat on some of the major rivers (Liard River and Petitot River)....
Principal Investigator:Gariepy, Clement Licensed Year(s):
All transportation will be done using rental vehicles (usually locally). Water sampling will be done out of rental boats (typically zodiac-type) and equipment (light pumps manually operated); water will be filtered on site, particles in suspension will be carried back for analysis. This will typically be 50-100 milligrams. Itinerary includes: Inuvik, Ft. Providence, Yelllowknife....
Principal Investigator:Butterfield, N.J. Licensed Year(s):1996
The researcher will conduct helicopter-based field work out of Norman Wells. This research will entail the documentation and collection of Mount Cap Formation Rocks (shales for fossils and biomarker geochemistry, limestone for isotope geochemistry). Much of the palaentology will be labratory-based, using acid extraction techniques on very small samples. The documented material will be stored and c...
Principal Investigator:Gulley, Angela L. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The Researcher will continue a project begun in 1991 which included mapping the local geology adjacent to the hotsprings, conducting a geochemical analysis of the springwaters, monitoring the physical properties, calculating natural discharge rates and conducting a pumping test and monitoring of depositional rates of tufa accumulations....