Principal Investigator:Latta, Alex Licensed Year(s):
20232022 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5798.
Over the next three years, research conducted with Sombaa K’e First Nation will support increased tools and capacity to incorporate Traditional Knowledge (TK) in environmental monitoring efforts. This includes developing GIS capability to map TK observations of environmental conditions and incorporate those observati...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):2005
This research forms part of an aerial reconnaissance program to observe the characteristic break-up patterns at selected watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Regi...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
Noise monitoring will be conducted at select potential locations for facilities, infrastructure and granular resources in the Deh Cho Region where there is the potential for noise affecting people and wildlife during the construction and operations of th...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):2004
The objective of this field reconnaissance program is to conduct preliminary site investigations of potential barge sites, camp sites, stockpile sites, compressor locations, watercourse crossings, water sources for ice road construction and potential cam...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2004
2002 Summary:
These terrestrial studies will include vegetation and soils investigations. The primary goals are to classify vegetation, landforms, soils and permafrost in the project area, to identify locations of rare plants and uncommon plant communities, and to co...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2004
2002 Summary:
The research team will conduct studies of fish and fish habitat, hydrology, hydrogeology and water quality in the Deh Cho Region as part of the baseline studies for the Mackenzie Gas Project. These studies will complete the aquatic investigations initia...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2004
2002 Summary:
This project will involve several helicopter flights for the purposes of pipeline routing, site selection and geotechnical observation within the Deh Cho Region. During the flights, locations of important land features will be confirmed by Global Positi...
Principal Investigator:Taylor, James Licensed Year(s):
The project team will be based in Ft. Liard, and travel in the field by Deh Cho Helicopters. The itinerary of the field is weather dependant. The duration of the proposed field studies will be from 10 August-26 August, 2001. Rock samples (fist sized) will be collected, and returned to the laboratory for detailed chemical analysis. Structural mapping will be traced on aerial photos and transferre...
Principal Investigator:Villebrun, Lori Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to determine how Dene in the Deh Cho transmit their knowledge of the land publicly in environmental hearings as compared to how they transmit the same knowledge privately among themselves. Travel will be by car to Hay River, Fort Simpson and Fort Providence. Semi-structured interviews with the participants will be conducted. All participants will be given a consen...