158 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Dogrib Dictionary Research
Principal Investigator: Marinakis, Aliki
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will travel to Rae-Edzo by air and road, in order to collaborate with the local dictionary working group. The primary activities of the team will include assisting the working group on the collection, and computer inputting, of lexical and grammatical information on the Dogrib language....

An examination of an organizational experiment to integrate child and family services, education and health programs in rural, aboriginal communities in the NWT.
Principal Investigator: Martin, Jim L
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The proposed qualitative social science research project will be confined to personal, or telephone, interviews with a selected group of approximately 30 people associated with the Dogrib Community Services Board. A focused interview method will be used that will allow for a broad exploration of issues related to the development and implementation of the Dogrib Community Services Board's organiza...

Tobacco Use by Youth in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Tremblay, Rick
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: A similar questionnaire given in 1982, 1987 and 1993 will be used for this tobacco use survey for 1998/99. The information obtained from the data will provide a snap shot of tobacco use by students between grades 4 and 12 for 1998/99. The data will be compared with previous studies to see if there was a change in the smoking habits of students. The data collected will help the Health Promotion s...

Connecting the North: Northern Aboriginal Peoples Advocate for a Northern Information Highway
Principal Investigator: Matiation, Nicole
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: Examination of "Connecting the North" symposium held in 1994, as a watershed event within the historical continuum of First Peoples' activism in communications technology and content in Canada's North. The researcher will trace the role of this symposium in shaping stakeholders' and government discourse relative to policy issues. Also will be looking at actual outcomes such as the creation of Ardi...

Distance Education Strategy - Aurora College 1997-2000
Principal Investigator: Wade, Bill
Licensed Year(s): 1997
Summary: The research involves collecting baseline data from previous and current distance education initiatives that the College has been engaged in and examining strategies employed by other educational organizations. In addition an needs assessment will be conducted in order to identify opportunities for program delivery via distance education technology....

(Home schooling in the Northwest Territories) Parent Choices in Education: Opting out of the Northwest Territories Education System.
Principal Investigator: Crowell, James W.
Licensed Year(s): 1997 1996
Summary: Study continued from 1996. School Principals will be contacted during the 1996/97 school year to collect data on the number of students involved in home schooling in each community. In the towns of Fort Smith, Hay River, and Yellowknife, parents of home schooling children will be contacted through principals to participate in tape recorded interviews. Data collection will be limited to mail, ph...

Dene Graduates of Community Based Teacher Education Programs in the N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Bright, Marilyn
Licensed Year(s): 1997
Summary: The study will explore experiences beginning Dene teachers have in their transition from student to teacher. Study attempts to understand ways which beginning Dene teachers integrate their traditional cultural heritage into that of Canadian mainstream curriculum. How is the curriculum document, Dene Kede, implemented in their work. Study will seek to articulate their needs for in-service suppor...

A History of the Community Teacher Education Program in the Western Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Hosty, Joan
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: Data will be collected from the various directors of the Divisional Boards of Education who oversee the programs, as well as from the archives of Aurora College Thebacha Campus....

Nurses Attitudes Towards Computerization
Principal Investigator: Kuntz, Patricia A.
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: The population that will be used for this study is nurses working in a hospital setting in the NWT. Participants will be asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire (1-1/2 pages) and return the completed questionnaire to the researcher. A letter will accompany the questionnaire, explaining the purpose of the study and nature of research to each participant....

Changing Institutions for Sustainable Water Management
Principal Investigator: Prystupa, Mark
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: This study is to evaluate how the changing legislation, policy and procedures for water management provides for the sustainable utilisation of the resource. This will involve informal unstructured interviews as the primary data source. Queries will be directed to a description of the institutional arrangements, and the evaluation of criteria. An analysis of pertinent newspaper articles, governm...