2008 Aquatic Monitoring Program
chercheur principal: Wen, Marc (6)
Nᵒ de permis: 14398
Organisation: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd.
Année(s) de permis: 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Délivré: juil. 22, 2008
Équipe de projet: Erin Forster, Maria Sotiropoulos, Jason Rempel, Tonia Robb, Erin Kelly, Judith Eigenbrod, Francois Landry, David Fauquier, Stephanie Miller, Adrienne Turcott, Genevieve Morinville, Garett Cooper, Strahan Tucker, Eric Demers, Rider Petch, Trevor Davies, Jamie Steele, Wendy Bidwell, Jorgen Bolt, Andrew Nichols, Leslie Coe (Assistant, BHP Billiton), Richard Ehlert, Julie Ellison, Sarah Baines, David Abernathy, Kristin Moore, Lee Ross, Tannis Bolt, Lena Adjun, Misty Bloomstrand, Brad McInnes, Marissa Schultz, Jimmy Arrowmaker, Donald Cadieux (Assistant, BHP Billiton), James Sanguez, Joe Heron, Aimee Briseboise, Christine Kent, Katherine Enns, Soren Jensen, Maria Sotiropoulos

Objectif(s): This research will characterize baseline and post-baseline conditions in the lakes and streams near areas of current and pending mining activity.

Description du projet: This research will characterize baseline and post-baseline conditions in the lakes and streams near areas of current and pending mining activity. This will be the 11th year of post-baseline data collected in the Koala Watershed and the 8th year of post-baseline data collected in the King-Cujo Watershed as a part of EKATI’s Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program. It will also be the 10th year of monitoring the fish populations of the Panda Diversion Channel (PDC). As a part of these past initiatives, baseline data will be collected from lakes and streams within and near the Horseshoe Watershed in anticipation of future developments. The monitored parameters include: hydrology, meteorology, water quality, limnology, sediment quality, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos, fish habitat, and fish communities (physical characteristics and sampling of tissue for metals analysis). On site research personnel and equipment will be transported to and from lake sites by helicopter. A small boat equipped with an outboard motor will be used to collect the samples from the lakes. A maximum of 20 lake trout and 20 round whitefish will be sampled for tissue analysis in a few lakes. Results from the research will be made publicly available through BHP Billiton’s submissions to the Water Board and will be presented in a Final Summary Report that describes highlights of the program. Fieldwork will be conducted from July 22 to December 31, 2008 at numerous locations within the EKATI mineral land claim boundary. A detailed list can be obtained through the researcher or in the licence application #788. The base camp will be in the EKATI Diamond Mine.