Hydrological Studies, Mackenzie Delta Region
chercheur principal: Marsh, Philip (37)
Nᵒ de permis: 14316
Organisation: Environment Canada - National Water Research Institute
Année(s) de permis: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Délivré: mars 27, 2008
Équipe de projet: Cuyler Onclin, Mark Russell, Philip Marsh, Heather Haywood, Kelly Best, Newell Hedstrom, Stefano Endrizzi

Objectif(s): The objectives of this project are to understand and predict stream discharge in northern regions and water levels in the Mackenzie Delta, in order to better understand the impact of climate change and natural gas development.

Description du projet: The objectives of this project are to understand and predict stream discharge in northern regions and water levels in the Mackenzie Delta, in order to better understand the impact of climate change and natural gas development. Sites will be visited between April and September, accessed from Inuvik using helicopter, snowmobile, and float plane. On site travel will be by boat and on foot. Activities involved are: snow surveys, snowmelt monitoring, water level recorder installation in the Delta, set up of meteorological towers (on site for the summer only), streamflow measurement in creeks, and installation of instrumentation (flowmeters, temperature and depth sensors), followed by removal of many instruments before freeze up. Hank Rogers' cabin at Denis Lagoon will be used for safe storage of scientific equipment and boat docking. Insight into safe routes and placement of instrumentation will be provided by Hank. A local field assistant will be hired. Results are communicated through the licence process, and journal publications are available on request, on line, and in the Inuvik Research Centre library. Fieldwork will be conducted from April 15 to 30, May 10 to June 10, June 25 to July 10, and September 05 to 20, 2008, primarily at Trail Valley Creek, Havikpak Creek and Denis Lagoon. Measurements will also take place at Zed Creek, Hans Creek, on main river channels in the upper Mackenzie Delta and near Water Survey of Canada sites in the central delta at Middle Channel and Peel Channel.