5 record(s) found for principal investigator "Hansen, Ken" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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EL494 Surface Water Monitoring Program 2016-2018
Principal Investigator: Hansen, Ken
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2017 2016
Summary: The study is to continue to establish natural variations in the surface water conditions within the Exploration Licence (EL 494) area and monitor potential impact of oil and gas exploration activities. Surface Water Quality Sample Collection: Collect surface water samples once, from a reduced number of sampling locations targeted near areas where exploration activities have occurred. The water...

Fish Inventory Study in EL494
Principal Investigator: Hansen, Ken
Licensed Year(s): 2015
Summary: The objective of the project is to identify the fish species present, gather population data on surveyed fish species, assess fish habitat characteristics, and identify benthic invertebrate species present in waterbodies in the area of Husky’s proposed exploration activity. Five streams and nine lakes are proposed to be assessed. Backpack electrofishing and fyke nets will be used to assess the ...

EL462 & EL463 2013-2014 Biolophysical Baseline Study
Principal Investigator: Hansen, Ken
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: The objective of the project is to identify the fish species present, and to gather population data on surveyed species, in waterbodies in the area of Husky’s proposed exploration activity. Four streams and four to seven small lakes are proposed to be assessed. The Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program recommended selecting 2-4 streams appropriate for collection of baseline information that can...

EL462 and EL463 Aggregate and Permafrost Mapping - Geophysical Survey and Confirmatory Drilling
Principal Investigator: Hansen, Ken
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2012
Summary: The objectives of this research project are to provide a better understanding of the permafrost under a proposed road right-of-way (ROW) and to delineate potential aggregate deposits. This will include mapping: permafrost distribution, massive ice bodies (including wedge ice), depth to massive ice, lower contacts of massive ice, zones of thermokarst, ice rich sediments (thaw sensitive), active lay...

EL462 and EL463 - Regional Hydrology and Surface Water Quality Sampling
Principal Investigator: Hansen, Ken
Licensed Year(s): 2015 2014 2013 2012
Summary: The objectives of this research project are: to establish baseline water quality, water levels and flow conditions; and to evaluate potential changes in water quality and quantity before and after initiation of site operations. A desktop regional hydrological assessment will be conducted by analyzing existing Water Survey of Canada hydrometric data for stations situated near the area of investi...