Fish Inventory Study in EL494
chercheur principal: Hansen, Ken (9)
Nᵒ de permis: 15736
Organisation: Husky Oil Operations Limited
Année(s) de permis: 2015
Délivré: août 07, 2015
Équipe de projet: Corey Linnen, Adrian Olenick, Martin Lacroix, Jostein Kevinsen, Darren Heck, Kirsten Allen, John Marshall, Holly Schuk, Deepi Mand

Objectif(s): To identify the fish species present, gather population data on surveyed fish species, assess fish habitat characteristics, and identify benthic invertebrate species present in waterbodies in the area of Husky’s proposed exploration activity.

Description du projet: The objective of the project is to identify the fish species present, gather population data on surveyed fish species, assess fish habitat characteristics, and identify benthic invertebrate species present in waterbodies in the area of Husky’s proposed exploration activity. Five streams and nine lakes are proposed to be assessed. Backpack electrofishing and fyke nets will be used to assess the streams. Electrofished segments will be isolated with stop nets at each end to block the passage of fish during sampling. A two pass method will be used, with stunned fish captured using hand nets and transferred to aerated buckets for temporary storage. Fyke nets will be installed in streams with average depths greater than 0.5m. A combination of beach seining, angling and minnow traps will be carried out to determine presence of fish in large waterbodies. All fish collected will be identified to species level, fork length measured, and a subsample will be weighed. Tranquilization of fish will be avoided in favor of short holding times and minimal handling. Following identification and measurements the fish will be released back into the general area of capture. Fish habitat will be assessed through basic water chemistry at each sample location, which includes temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, and dissolved oxygen. At stream sample locations additional habitat parameters will be surveyed, including stream width, depth, velocity, and substrate and cover type. To assess potential overwintering habitat dissolved oxygen (DO) data and other water characteristics would be collected from sites in March. Public meetings are held periodically in Tulita and in Norman Wells. Husky also meets with the Norman Wells Land Corporation, Tulita Land Corporation, Tulita District Land Corporation, Fort Norman Métis Land Corporation, Norman Wells Renewable Resource Council and the Tulita Renewable Resource Council from time to time. Additional discussions have been held with federal and territorial regulators in the past. Husky will provide informational updates (in regards to the progress and status of the field work and the findings of the surveys) to all organizations. At the end of the year, the research team will prepare and submit a report to Husky that combines the year’s studies into one report which Husky, in turn, will submit to the above mentioned organizations as well as the Sahtu Land and Water Board, Sahtu Renewable Resource Board, GNWT-ENR, Environment Canada, and GNWT-Cumulative Impacts Monitoring Program. Future consultations will be planned as results of the assessments become available for distribution. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from August 7, 2015 to October 31, 2015.