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2 record(s) found for principal investigator "Draho, Bob" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Yellowknife Gold Project 2009 Hydrometeorological Survey
Principal Investigator: Draho, Bob
Licensed Year(s): 2010 2009
Summary: This licence is being issued for the scientific research application No. 1120. The objectives of this four day field survey is to: 1) Inspect the 4 hydrology and 1 meteorology stations to ensure they are in working order; 2) Repair stations, if required; and 3) download site-specific weather and stream flow data from the stations. Equipment at each hydrostation consists of a datalogger (to r...

Matthews Creek 2009 hydrometeorological survey
Principal Investigator: Draho, Bob
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2008
Summary: This licence is being issued for the scientific research application No. 1121. The objectives this research to document the time history of flow in Matthews Creek and site-specific weather data for the Matthews Lake Gold Project. This will be done in three site visits. During the first site visit, researchers will to reinstall creek monitoring instruments, and inspect and download the exist...