Principal Investigator:McLean, Sarah C Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4858.
The objective of the project is to conduct environmental monitoring of wildlife (incidental observations only), vegetation, air quality, hydrology, and aquatics in the Snap Lake study area.
Methods used are outlined in the management and monitoring plans (aquatic effects monitoring program, water management plan [s...
Principal Investigator:Hoos, Rick Licensed Year(s):
The objective is to obtain sufficient baseline data to develop a lead and zinc mine adjacent to the old Pine Point property. The owl survey to identify species presence and breeding territories in the vicinity of the study area will include an evening broadcast-call program that will commence 0.5 hours after sundown to 0.5 hours before sunrise in April and May. This owl survey will target the Bor...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Steve M Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the field program is to document baseline conditions within the study area to be used for a water licence and land use application towards development of a lead and zinc mine adjacent to the old Pine Point property. This includes completing Ecosystem Classification, Surface Water Quality Sampling, Fish Habitat Assessments, and a Wildlife Utilization and Diversity Study.
Field s...
Principal Investigator:Weagle, Ken V Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
The purpose of this fieldwork is to continue the collection of baseline data to support an anticipated application to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board. There are four main components in the 2005 program: 1) Air quality, climate and noise asses...
Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):1998
Fisheries investigations, including habitat identification and possibly gill netting, will be conducted in the four small lakes located within the watershed of the orebody of the Thor Lake site. In lakes with fish, will collect 10 fish (up to two species) for chemical analysis. Fisheries investigations, including habitat mapping, gill netting (to verify fish community), will be undertaken in the...
Principal Investigator:Bohn, Arne Licensed Year(s):
To conduct an assessment of the impacts of new mining and water discharge. The studies will include: - updating information on soil types and vegetation. - updating information on wildlife habitat. - updating information on water quality and fish habitat. - examining background levels of trace metals associated with Pine Point Mining activity....