Principal Investigator:Richard, Alain Licensed Year(s):
The main objective of this project is to develop wetland inventory for south eastern Northwest Territories (NWT) that will be used to provide a baseline for many kinds of planning (including land use planning processes) and research in support of biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of habitat.
Specific objectives are to:
1) develop and use computer-based methods to produce we...
Principal Investigator:Stevens, Kevin J Licensed Year(s):
The research team will conduct a comprehensive wetland plant community vegetation analysis along Bakers Creek with a focus on the lower stretch of the creek. In addition soil samples will be obtained for an assessment of soil dwelling fungal communities.
The assessment will include emergent vegetation along riparian areas as well a floating leaved, free floating and submerged vegetation in the ...
Principal Investigator:Tsui, Olivier Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the winter field survey is to determine and record lakes where ice has frozen to the bottom and areas where floating ice is present. Along with obtaining this information, snow depth, ice thickness, ice type, photos, and local weather conditions will be recorded. The objective of the summer field work is to observe broad wetland types and the extent and presence of submerged aquat...
Principal Investigator:Messmer, David J Licensed Year(s):
To determine how spring and summer temperatures affect the abundance of the amphipod Gammarus lacustris throughout the summer. Over the 2 years of the experiment, the research team plans to use amphipods from 4 different sources over several latitudes (Montana-USA, St. Denis-SK, Yellowknife-NT, Inuvik, NT). Using this variety of geographic sources will allow us to assess if different populations...
Principal Investigator:Challen Urbanic, Jane Licensed Year(s):201220112010
The objective of this research is to assess the performance of lagoons and wetlands in the treatment of municipal wastewater in Canada's Arctic. A secondary objective is to determine the occurrence of trace contaminants in northern wastewaters.
Samples will be taken from the influent (raw sewage) and effluent (treated wastewater) of each lagoon and wetland system in the communities where the r...
Principal Investigator:Drysdale, Jessica A Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to identify how arsenic is bound in the sediments, and determine the role of microbial activity in arsenic mobility. It is anticipated that the results of this research will benefit the design of a constructed wetland, which is expected to be part of site remediation.
The researchers propose to sample sediments and surface and pore water from the Ho-Hum Lake wetla...
Principal Investigator:Sealey, Heather N Licensed Year(s):
Arsenic was introduced to Ho-Hum Lake when it was used as a tailings pond during mining activities at Terra Mine, of the Silver Bear Mines Group. The objective of this study is to determine how arsenic is being removed from the lake water by a wetlands area.
The intention for collecting data will include water and sediment sampling in Ho-Hum Lake, Moose Bay, and the wetlands between them. Seq...
Principal Investigator:Azzolini, Louie Licensed Year(s):
2008 Summary:
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application No. 1124.
This is a three part study with separate objectives for each. The objectives are as follows:
1) The Fish Study: Evaluate the impacts associated with four locations requiring in-stream works; quantify and qualify fish habitat values at each of the four locations; identify potential locations to improve existing fish...
Principal Investigator:Quinton, William L. Licensed Year(s):201620152014201320122011201020092008
20062005200420032001 Summary:
The objective of research is to develop computer models to estimate the volume and timing of runoff from wetlands in this region. Models will be developed from the properties of soils, and physical attributes of the peat plateau cover. This will reduce the uncertainties regarding climate warming on the future availability of northern water resources.
Fieldwork will commence in late winter with ...
Principal Investigator:Tonn, William Licensed Year(s):
This project will develop a long term monitoring strategy to access the seasonal productivity of wetlands in the breeding area. Preliminary sampling in 2004 will familiarize the incoming graduate student with the breeding pond region and allow various sa...