Arsenic sequestering in wetlands adjacent to the Terra Mine tailings lake, Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Sealey, Heather N (1)
Licence Number: 14553
Organization: Queen's University
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Issued: Jul 07, 2009
Project Team: Jessica Mace (Environmental Scientist, Indian and Northern Affairs Contaminants and Remediation Directorate)

Objective(s): The objective of this study is to determine how arsenic is being removed from the Ho-Hum Lake water by a wetlands area.

Project Description: Arsenic was introduced to Ho-Hum Lake when it was used as a tailings pond during mining activities at Terra Mine, of the Silver Bear Mines Group. The objective of this study is to determine how arsenic is being removed from the lake water by a wetlands area. The intention for collecting data will include water and sediment sampling in Ho-Hum Lake, Moose Bay, and the wetlands between them. Sequestering of arsenic from Ho-Hum Lake will be determined by studying the arsenic speciation in the water column, suspended solids, sediment, and pore water. This will be done by sampling surface water, pore water, and the sediments of both lakes and the wetland. Samples of the crushed host rock making up the airstrip adjacent to the water bodies may be completed to determine if it is contributing arsenic to surface water. The researchers will be working in conjunction with Indian and Northern Affairs to determine the best method for remediating the Terra mine site; specifically they are working to find ways to remediate the tailings lake adjacent to the mine site in order to remove the arsenic present in the water. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from July 06 to July 31, 2009, in Ho-Hum Lake, Moose Bay, and the wetlands between them. The site is located along the southeast margin of Great Bear Lake in the NWT within the Camsell River System, at Terra Mine, one of the Silver Bear group of mines. The coordinates are N65 36.366 W118 08.074.