Principal Investigator:Norment, Christopher Licensed Year(s):1991
Mr. Norment is studying the breeding biology of the Harris' Sparrow and White-crowned Sparrow. He will be collecting data on any physical (such as weather, food supply, nest-site, predators) or genetic (such as number of eggs, breeding cycle, condition of females) factors....
Principal Investigator:Hankinson, Flt. LT. K.W. Licensed Year(s):1991
to classify breeding and feeding habitats of snow buntings, wading birds and Arctic hares; use pitfall traps to collect insects; study growth, reproduction and diet of Arctic char; collect bryophytes; map igneous rocks of Esayoo formation; record and map any archaeological sites; record weather observations; collect animal and plant material for carbon isotope ratio analysis and assessment of food...
Principal Investigator:Thorseth, Ragnar Licensed Year(s):
To conduct biological observations. To record certain meteorological observations....
Principal Investigator:Miller, E.H. Licensed Year(s):
1) To undertake a study on the distribution, numbers, movements, feeding grounds, and reproductive characteristics of Atlantic walrus. 2) To describe herd composition, formation, and issolation including measurements of time ashore between feeding trips, duration of feeding trips, movements of individuals within herds and the effects of weather on individual and group behaviour....