Principal Investigator:Biggar, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
Since the 1970s, the oil and gas industry has drilled at least nineteen exploratory wells in the Kendall Island Bird Sanctuary. Observations at associated drilling mud-sumps have been made; however, there remains a paucity of field data describing site conditions. It is also appreciated that construction of the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline will stimulate the development of Niglintgak and Tag...
Principal Investigator:Chen, Wenjun Licensed Year(s):2005
The objectives of the research are to become familiar with the vegetation and landforms of northern Canada, and to collect vegetation and biophysical data for ground truth of remote sensing and carbon modeling activities. The Dempster Highway provides a...
Principal Investigator:Callow, Lin Licensed Year(s):
The objective of these trials is to evaluate the performance of Low Ground Pressure Vehicles (LGPV) on frozen tundra without surface preparation. The effects of LGPV passage on soil, permafrost, and vegetation will be monitored and the details of each tr...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):20032002
2000 Summary:
The crew will fly from Yellowknife to the Tundra Ecosystem Research Station camp on Daring Lake from BHP (Ekati Mine) by helicopter. The research team itinerary consists of: (1) setting up the camp; (2) sampling all of the major streams flowing into Daring Lake for chemistry and instantaneous flow; (3) walking through several basins to decide on an intensive sampling site; and (4) installing dri...
Principal Investigator:Hutchinson, Tom Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to re-measure the occurrences of vegetation, identifying all the different species and measuring them quantitatively in places that were measured 13 years ago. The focus this time will be on the ability of the tundra ecosystem to recover when a strong chemical stress ceases. The team will be flown in early August from Inuvik to the old DEW Line landing strip at Mallo...
Principal Investigator:Karlqvist, Anders Licensed Year(s):
The overall goal of the expedition Tundra Northwest 1999 is to study geographic variation of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems of the tundra. By using the CCG icebreaker Louis St. Laurent for transport and as a scientific platform the the expedition route will include a longitudinal gradient from Baffin Island to the northern coast of Alaska and a latitudinal gradient through the Canadian Arc...
Principal Investigator:Henry, Gregory Licensed Year(s):199519941993
Using the latitudinal treeline, the Researchers will examine plant communities in forest, treeline and tundra communities. They will determine locations for permanent plots to monitor long-term changes in vegetation as a response to predicted global warming....
Principal Investigator:Svoboda, Josef Licensed Year(s):
(1) A radiocesium study. (2) A study of how tundra plant communities have adapted and evolved, their distribution, abundance and productivity....
Principal Investigator:Rouse, W. Licensed Year(s):
To develop a classification of fire effects on the microclimate of forest and tundra ecosystems....