Principal Investigator:Blowes, David W. Licensed Year(s):2024
202220212020201920182017 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5447.
The objectives of this project are to: 1) determine the magnitude and rate of release of arsenic and other toxic elements from the Giant Mine tailings to groundwater; 2) evaluate remediation alternatives for tailings management, including the effects of proposed engineered covers; and, 3) apply novel characterization ...
Principal Investigator:Bailey, Alexandra Licensed Year(s):
The primary objective of this research is to analyze near-surface tailings from the tailings ponds and shoreline at Giant Mine in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, and to distinguish the arsenic-hosting phases in both the bulk tailings and the fine fraction of the tailings from the site.
The research team will initially take near-surface samples of tailings - from which windblown dust may be ...
Principal Investigator:Hamm, Sharleen Licensed Year(s):2007
Exploration efforts at the Damoti Lake property (concentrating on the Horseshoe Zone) are intended to improve gold-bearing ore estimates at the site. As part of the pre-feasibility work, alternatives for tailings disposal will be studied, including depositing tailings into natural water bodies (Lardass Lake, Unnamed Lake, Pond 1 and 2), and/or using land-based methods, such as thickened tailings a...
Principal Investigator:Caughill, Dave Licensed Year(s):
Between 1948 and 1951, approximately 375 000 tons of tailings were deposited directly into Back Bay from Giant Mine along the northwest shore via a drainage channel. The submerged tailings contain high levels of metals, particularly arsenic. Over time, t...
Principal Investigator:McGurk, Michael Licensed Year(s):2005
Colomac Gold Mine was closed in 1996 and is now under the care and maintenance of INAC. Mine water is accumulating in the Tailings Containment Area (TCA) and the mine pits and will have to be released to the environment within a few years. Under the reme...
Principal Investigator:Schryer, Richard P Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
Under the new Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (Fisheries Act), an Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) program is required to determine the effects of mine effluent on fish and fish habitat. As part of the study, water quality and aquatic organism he...
Principal Investigator:MacNeill, Scott W Licensed Year(s):
This 5-day sampling program will involve fisheries, aquatic, and vegetation studies at/in the vicinity of the abandoned Port Radium Mine site. Concentrations of five biologically significant metals (antimony, arsenic, lead, nickel and zinc) will be dete...
Principal Investigator:Liber, Karsten Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be transported to Long Lake by aircraft, and will travel by truck on the mine site. Sample collection will be carried out using a motorized boat. Water and phytoplankton samples will be collected using a 10 L Go-Flo water sampler. Zooplankton samples will be collected using a zooplankton net. There are three taxa of freshwater zooplankton that may be collected from Long ...
Principal Investigator:Hutchinson, Tom Licensed Year(s):
To examine revegation of northern tailings and mining areas using materials from an acid-heavy metal stressed Arctic area....