Principal Investigator:Perzoff, Tania Licensed Year(s):
Tetra Tech modeled the effects of food chain accumulation of metals and exposure to metals on human health and ecological receptors. Tissue sampling of small rodents (and possibly hares) will be completed to identify trophic transfer of potential soil contaminants in order to verify the model.
Snap traps and pitfall traps will be set out by Tetra Tech Staff and two First Nations subcontractors....
Principal Investigator:Krebs, Charles Licensed Year(s):
19921991 Summary:
The researchers will examine the cycles in lemming abundance (i.e., increases and decreases in the lemming population) for the western arctic region. Ongoing research suggests that lemmings in the Pearce Point area do not appear to reach very high numbers as has been noted in the eastern arctic and Scandinavia. Licence issued for use of Inuvik Research Centre....
Principal Investigator:Lockhart, W.L. Licensed Year(s):1993
The researcher and his team will engage in a bathymetric survey to map the contours of the bottom of Lac Belot, as well as determine the distribution of fish in the lake. Several soil samples will be collected to determine the amount of atmospheric dust fallout. As well, tissue samples from 6 lake trout and 6 ground squirrels are to be collected to compare some aspects of their biochemistry with ...
Principal Investigator:Millar, J.S. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct ecological studies on small mammals and to trap (live) some for further study at the University of Western Ontario....
Principal Investigator:Lewis, M.C. Licensed Year(s):
1. general vegetation surveys. 2. plant and growth reproduction. 3. diet and food preferences of lemmings. 4. effect of lemming grazing on plant growth and reproduction. 5. mineralnutrition of lichens. 6. atmospheric sampling....
Principal Investigator:Fuller, W.A. Licensed Year(s):
Continuation of research into the habitat, population fluctuations, aging, size, and growth of small mammals in the subarctic....
Principal Investigator:Millar, J.S. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct ecological studies on small mammals and to study differences in their activity levels....
Principal Investigator:Burns, Gordon R. Licensed Year(s):
Lemming studies: (1) To monitor population density. (2) To record the length of each population's breeding season. (3) To record the characteristics of the reproductive system related to population growth....
Principal Investigator:Fuller, William Licensed Year(s):
Continued research into the habitat, population fluctuations, aging, size and growth of small mammals in the subarctic....
Principal Investigator:Secord, David C. Licensed Year(s):
(a) To collect heads of trapped arctic fox to be analyzed for possible rabies indication. (b) To collect wild mice and rabbits to determine the existence of tularemia (a disease)....