Principal Investigator:Sharma, Sangita Licensed Year(s):
2021 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5167.
Led by Arctic communities and informed by Indigenous methodologies, the research team aim to work with Indigenous people to immediately explore knowledge gaps in 18 Arctic communities of varying size to document and understand: 1) The experiences, challenges, and consequences (positive and negative) of COVID-19 and CO...
Principal Investigator:Lamon, Martha Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will use quantitative research methods, utilizing a questionnaire that has been adapted from the Ontario First Nations AIDS and Healthy Lifestyle Survey (1993) with their permission. Using "quota sampling", the researcher plans to sample survey 60 women, youths and inmates and as many drug users as possible from Northern Addictions Services....
Principal Investigator:Hershfield, Earl S. Licensed Year(s):
Through the review of hospital records, we will outline the tuberculosis out-break that occurred in Repulse Bay during 1988-89. The study may provide information that may be helpful in preventing such out-breaks in the future....
Principal Investigator:Archibald, Linda Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and her team will provide suicide prevention education to community-based caregivers and motivation to act through the development, production and distribution of a suicide prevention video. Community participation in script development will occur through workshops held in a variety of Inuit communities. An evaluation of the project will assess the impact of community participatio...
Principal Investigator:Wideman, Miriam Licensed Year(s):1993
19911990 Summary:
During the third year of this study, information concerning how, where, and why injuries happen will be collected in all regions of the N.W.T. and added to the national database. This research will aid the present health system to target specific areas of concern and aim to increase intervention programs to the public....
Principal Investigator:Nuttall, Richard Licensed Year(s):
The Larium Safety Monitoring Study is organized by the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control of Health and Welfare Canada. Each traveller to malarian regions is required to report any adverse reaction and any symptoms of malaria on his/her return to Canada. The study is limited to a five year period with an interim three year review point....
Principal Investigator:Hunnisett, Stan Licensed Year(s):1991
Under the direction of the Peel River Alcohol Society and Fort McPherson Concerned Citizens Committee a community based research project will be established. This research will attempt to understand why Fort McPherson has such a high suicide rate. It is hoped that once an understanding of the reason(s) is established then plans can be made to lower the rate of suicide....
Principal Investigator:Sharp, P.L. Licensed Year(s):
To evaluate methods for: (a) dispersing birds from oil spill areas and (b) deterring birds from entering oil spill areas....
Principal Investigator:Sharp, P.L. Licensed Year(s):
To evaluate methods for: (a) dispersing birds from oil spill areas and (b) deterring birds from entering oil spill areas....