Principal Investigator:Kneisel, Christof Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5654.
This research project aims to investigate the three-dimensional internal structure of pingos in the Mackenzie Delta Region. The focus is on small-scale heterogeneities and a detailed delineation of ice-rich or unfrozen areas within, underneath and in close proximity to different pingos. High-resolution, three-dimensi...
Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):20222021
2019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4737.
The objective of this research is to understand the rate of ground warming in permafrost due to climate change and to measure the changes in ground surface characteristics that are occurring as a result. In particular, the research team are interested in changes in ground temperature, in the depth of the active layer,...
Principal Investigator:Soare, Richard J Licensed Year(s):
2007200620052004 Summary:
The objective of this research is to compare the formation processes of pingo-like mounds near the equator in Mars vs. the development of pingos in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands, and evaluate whether the two mounds types could be similar.
Mars is a high-priority target for the Canadian and international planetary science communities. The main driver for this is the possibility of life on the Red P...
Principal Investigator:Mackay, J. Ross Licensed Year(s):19971996
19941993199219911989 Summary:
This permafrost study has been part of a long-term study first initiated in 1951. The researcher will collect data that will allow a better understanding of the growth of the ice wedges, pingos and permafrost....
Principal Investigator:Gurney, Steve D. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and his team will engage in detailed geological mapping of the various types of pingos with respect to both their genesis and current status. Geometric levelling of pingo locations will also be undertaken to ascertain the spatial, temporal, and environmental inter-relationships of pingos to such features as drained lake basins, stream channels and other pingos....
Principal Investigator:Downie, Bruce K. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
Begun in 1991, the researcher and his associates will continue to prepare a management plan for the Pingos Canadian Landmark....
Principal Investigator:Slocombe, D. Scott Licensed Year(s):
To provide a basis for planning and management of the Pingo Canadian Landmark site, required by the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, the researchers will identify the significance of the biophysical, cultural and economic resources....
Principal Investigator:Luch, Stephen R. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a broad study of the biological and physical components of pingos....
Principal Investigator:French, Hugh Licensed Year(s):
Banks Island: Geomorphological Investigations - ground ice, pingos, mass-wasting and spring runoff will be investigated at sites in the Sachs and Upper Kellett drainage systems. Holman Island: Geomorphological studies will be of a reconnaissance nature and will emphasize rock weathering, cliff retreat and permafrost conditions within 10 miles of townsite....