Principal Investigator:Lavoy, Shelley Dalene Joyce Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5344.
The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the factors that influenced five high school students in a northern community to discontinue participation in upper-level high school music courses.
The Principal Investigator (PI) will use a qualitative approach to the research project. The data will be collec...
Principal Investigator:Tutcho, Laura J Licensed Year(s):
This project will include a booklet, including a music sheet, of the late Eliza Blondin’s story and her song. The materials will be digitized and saved to a USB. This project is part of a Master degree in Indigenous language Revitalization
The Principal Investigator (PI) will interview the two (or more) participants individually using the questions in the attachment. Some of the questions are q...
Principal Investigator:Krejci, Paul R Licensed Year(s):
This research will examine the influence of cultural interaction on certain musical forms and styles as well as how those musical forms change and persist over time. This research will also look at the response of local communities to external forces on their music and how music transforms this culture. Interviews will be conducted using both specific questions and open-ended discussion, it may ...
Principal Investigator:Keillor, Elaine Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
The documentation and recording of the stories and songs of the Dene will hopefully provide a valuable resource for the Dene educational system and culture. Interviews with drummers/singers will be conducted to futher the researcher's understanding of the musical activities of these communities. The researcher would like to analyze the recordings with transliterations and translations from her 19...
Principal Investigator:Rodriguez, Marisol Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
The researcher will visit the Mad Trapper Jamboree at Aklavik, the Beluga Jamboree at Tuktoyaktuk, and the White Fox Jamboree at Sachs Harbour in order to conduct interviews with musicians and other jamboree participants. This information will be added to the information gathered last summer at the Inuvik Music Festival. This research examines the social significance of music in the Inuvialuit....
Principal Investigator:Pelinski, RAmon Licensed Year(s):
As a consequence of contact between kabloonait and kabloona music, the younger generation of Inuit have begun inventing new song styles. I am investigating how these songs relate to questions of Inuit identity, what impressions all Inuit have of the songs, what groups sing the songs (and on what occassions), what are the lyrics, and to what extent have the songs been distributed (i.e., forms of d...
Principal Investigator:Beaudry, Nicole Licensed Year(s):
199019891988 Summary:
The researcher will be continuing work begun in 1988. She will be conducting interviews with elders and making recordings where appropriate in the communities of Fort Good Hope, Fort Norman and Fort Franklin....
Principal Investigator:Le Goff, Philippe Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will observe Inuit musical history, both traditional and that which has been influenced by southern music and adapted in an Inuit way....
Principal Investigator:Leveille, Richard Licensed Year(s):
1988 Summary:
The Researcher will complete the second phase of the study which began in 1988 on musical culture of the Coppermine Inuit. He will collect cultural musical information by making videos and tape recordings of music and musicians....