59 record(s) found with the tag "mercury" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Identifying sources of mercury in Arctic rivers
Principal Investigator: Zdanowicz, Christian M
Licensed Year(s): 2019 2018
Summary: The goal of this project is to identify and quantify (measure) the different possible sources of toxic mercury that is transported in rivers of the Mackenzie River basin, all the way down to the Beaufort Sea. In particular, the research team want to establish how much mercury comes from "modern" sources (like distant air pollution, runoff from rain/snow, wash-out from surface soils, etc.) and how ...

NTPC Bluefish Hydro
Principal Investigator: Panayi, Damian
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Summary: The multiyear monitoring programs at Bluefish accomplish the following objectives: • Monitoring effects to fish habitat from changes in water level and flow through Reach 1; • Monitoring of the seasonal use of Reach 1 and the Tailrace Area by spawning fish; • Monitoring of mercury concentration in large-bodied and small-bodied fish; • Continue winter investigations of egg incubation conditions...

Spatial and long-term trends in persistent organic contaminants and metals in lake trout and burbot from Great Slave Lake
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S.
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2016
Summary: This study is continuing to investigate whether contaminant levels are changing in fish in Great Slave Lake which the team have been studying since the early 1990s. The research team will collect lake trout from the Hay River and Lutsel K’e areas. The team will also plan to collect burbot from the Lutsel K’e and Fort Resolution areas of Great Slave Lake, and northern pike from the Fort Resolution ...

Temporal trend studies of trace metals and halogenated organic contaminants (HOCs), including new and emerging persistent compounds, in Mackenzie River burbot, Fort Good Hope, NWT
Principal Investigator: Stern, Gary
Licensed Year(s): 2018
Summary: The short-term goals are to determine if 2018 burbot contaminant concentrations: 1) remain below Health Canada guidelines (i.e. <0.5 ppm mercury per gram fish); and 2) are associated with dietary indicators to determine the influence of diet (via stable isotope ratios) on contaminant concentrations in current fish, although previous results suggested no association (Carrie et al. 2010); as well as...

Metals levels in large bodied fishes near impacted lakes near Yellowknife, NWT
Principal Investigator: Somers, Gila L
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2017 2016
Summary: The objectives of this project are to collect fish tissue samples from species of subsistence importance to: 1) establish a long-term community monitoring program for contaminants in fish; and, 2) to monitor potential spatial and temporal trends in metal concentrations (including mercury) in fish tissues within the Yellowknife region. The data acquired will be added to existing and concurrently co...

Productivity and mercury trends in Great Bear Lake
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S.
Licensed Year(s): 2018
Summary: The objectives of this research project are to collect sediment cores from up to six sites in Great Bear Lake to investigate the temporal record of diatom and lake productivity and the deposition of mercury and other metals; to investigate spatial gradients in lake productivity as influenced by station depth, distance from shore, and river influences; and to continue to investigate mercury levels ...

Further Examination of the Bio- Magnification of Mercury within Fish Species of the Deh Cho and their Varying Levels among Lakes
Principal Investigator: Swanson, Heidi
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2017 2016 2016 2015 2014 2013
Summary: The objectives of this research project are: 1) to determine why fish mercury levels vary among lakes in the Dehcho region; 2) to identify best predictors of fish mercury levels; and, 3) to determine with fish have the lowest levels of mercury and the highest levels of nutrients. The methods for this project include field sampling, laboratory analysis, and data analysis and reporting. The resea...

Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley: Investigating the Links Between Contaminant Exposure, Nutritional Status, and Country Food Use
Principal Investigator: Laird, Brian D
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2016
Summary: The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...

Long-term reconstructions of cold-season climate and atmospheric Hg deposition from ice wedges in the Mackenzie Delta region
Principal Investigator: Porter, Trevor
Licensed Year(s): 2017
Summary: This purpose of this research is to better understand long-term changes in winter temperatures and atmospheric mercury (Hg) in the Mackenzie Delta area over the last 11,700 years, a period known as the Holocene. The fieldwork aims to sample 20-30 ice wedges that represent a range of Holocene time. Precipitation stable hydrogen isotopes (a temperature proxy) and elemental Hg archived in the wedge i...

Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley: Investigating the Links Between Contaminant Exposure, Nutritional Status, and Country Food Use
Principal Investigator: Laird, Brian D
Licensed Year(s): 2017 2015 2014
Summary: The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...