Principal Investigator:Pattenden, Rick Licensed Year(s):
The field program will be conducted during three sampling periods (spring, summer and fall). Lakes and streams in the immediate vicinity of the potential mine site will be examined. Sampling techniques will include angling, snorkeling, backpack electrofishing, beach seining, minnow traps and gill netting for fish. Plankton nets and eckman dredges will be used to collect plankton and benthic mac...
Principal Investigator:Reed, Shawna Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will determine fish presence/absence and/or densities (number of fish per unit stream length) by electrofishing representative habitat (eg. pool, riffle, run) and the setting of baited minnow traps. When these two methods are not practical (eg. depth too great or flow too fast), gillnets and/or beach seines will be used. Fish caught will be identified, measured, weighed, sexed and t...
Principal Investigator:Gould, William Licensed Year(s):
1993199219911990 Summary:
The researcher will characterize the kinds and numbers of plant species that make up the various plant communities along the Hood River. Five small temperature recording stations will set up along the river, recording hourly temperatures. This will allow the researcher to see the differences in summer temperatures and how it effects the plant communities. The researcher will also try and determin...
Principal Investigator:Pelletier, Clem Licensed Year(s):
In project area streams, fish presence/absence and/or densities will be obtained by electrofishing representative habitat. Benthic invertebrates ans periphyton (stream algae) will be sampled at stream sites to determine seasonal changes in composition, distribution and abundance. Lake fisheries population studies will involve fish trapping. Lake limnology, plankton and benthic invertebrates wil...
Principal Investigator:Reed, Shawna Licensed Year(s):
In project area creeks & streams, fish presence/absence and/ or densities will be obtained by electrofishing representative habitat & the setting of baited minnow traps. Each fish caught will be identified, measured, weighed & sexed, & condition will be noted. Furthermore, in order to assess background tissue metal levels, ten specimens of each species must be sacrificed in order to obtain the req...
Principal Investigator:Lewis, Trish Licensed Year(s):
As part of the Environmental Technology Program of Arctic College, students will gain experience in using various limnological techniques to collect physical, biological and chemical data from Ikalliarvik Lake. Measurements include ice and snow depth, lake area and volume, degree of light penetration, water sampling for chemical concentrations and pH, and collection of zooplankton....
Principal Investigator:Taylor, John S. Licensed Year(s):
To total of 18 lakes will be studied and sampled to determine the importance of lake type to various fish populations. Fish will be sampled using weirs, gill nets, seines, fyke nets, minnow traps and trawl nets....
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, J.C. Licensed Year(s):
(a) To collect a series of lake sediments; (b) To collect selected plant groups and conduct vegetation analysis....
Principal Investigator:Rigler, Frank Licensed Year(s):
To test the applicability of the Dillon and the Rigler (1974) method of predicting the nutritional status of lakes in the sub-Arctic. This will be done by chemically analyzing water samples taken from several lakes in the sub-Arctic to determine the ability of these lakes to sustain basic life forms....