Principal Investigator:Blasco, Steve M Licensed Year(s):2009200820072006
20042003 Summary:
The objective of the seabed mapping program is to conduct a regional survey of the Beaufort Shelf over the next four years. Ice scouring processes, benthic habitats, abandoned artificial islands, pingo-like features, gas seeps, seafloor foundation conditions, sub-sea permafrost and coastal stability will be investigated.
The Coast Guard vessel CCGS Nahidik will be used to collect seabed sedi...
Principal Investigator:Conlan, Kathleen E. Licensed Year(s):
19931992 Summary:
Researchers acoustically profile the seabed in the are of Resolute by side scan sonar in order to obtain an aerial view of the seabed and locate scours known from previous years and created over the last winter. Researchers then scuba dive on these scours & count the large animals, collect small animals and measure the physical and chemical characteristics of the scours. This will help to determ...
Principal Investigator:Blasco, Steve M Licensed Year(s):
The amphibious vehicle will be mounted with an echosounder, sidescan sonar, subbottom and seismic profiling equipment to run a test survey along the coast of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. The CCGS NAHIDIK will tow a sidescan sonar system over the seafloor to rerun track lines surveyed in previous years to allow for the detection and measurement of the characteristics of new scours on the seafloor of ...
Principal Investigator:MacLean, Brian Licensed Year(s):
To provide information on the composition, thickness, and geotechnical properties of the seafloor sediments, as well as the effect of ice or current scouring, or slumping, or other modifying influences....
Principal Investigator:Topham, David Licensed Year(s):
To install current meter arrays and acoustic equipment in the vicinity of an ice keel for a period of about three weeks to better understand the hydrodynamic drag of sea ice arising from ice keels....