Principal Investigator:England, John H Licensed Year(s):20122010200920082007
2005200420032002 Summary:
Geological mapping and sampling, radiocarbon dating, and cosmogenic dating techniques will be used to reconstruct sea level change and glacier dynamics for Prince Patrick, Eglinton, and Melville islands since the last glaciation.
In order to better understand possible future climatic conditions, it is important to obtain palaeoenvironmental data from these regions. The broad objective is to ob...
Principal Investigator:Eberle, Jaelyn J Licensed Year(s):2010
2003 Summary:
Early Eocene (~55 million year-old) rocks of the Eureka Sound Group preserve a time when the Canadian High Arctic had a warm, temperate climate, and was home to reptiles and a diverse mammalian fauna. To date, the Eureka Sound fossil vertebrate fauna ha...
Principal Investigator:MacPhee, Ross E.E. Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this project is to recover remains of ice-age mammals from Banks and Melville Islands, in order to determine when and for how long animals such as woolly mammoths managed to live in this part of the Arctic. There is suggestive but meager e...
Principal Investigator:Johnson, Arthur Licensed Year(s):2005
Fossil wood in coal deposits at two sites on Banks Island will be collected and used to estimate the climate regime under which the ancient plants of Banks Island grew. This information may provide insight into how the present day Arctic will respond to...
Principal Investigator:Pope, Michael Licensed Year(s):20032002
The research team will fly to Norman Wells by commercial airline, and then travel to the field by helicopter or Twin Otter. Travel in the field will be by canoe, or on foot. Field camps will be low impact, and will be occupied for less than 14 days. All human waste will be buried, and all non-burnable garbage will be packed out. The research team will measure, describe and sample the Early Camb...
Principal Investigator:Lane, Larry S Licensed Year(s):2002
2000 Summary:
The research team will resume mapping bedrock and surficial geology at 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 scales, continuing a project begun in the summer of 2000. The base of operations will be either at Fort Liard, or at an existing base camp on the southeastern La Biche River. Fly camps will be accessed by helicopter. Fly camps will be visited by 2-4 crew members for about 1 week. From the fly camps the ...
Principal Investigator:Narbonne, Guy Licensed Year(s):
19991998199619941992199119891988 Summary:
The research team will be flown from Norman Wells to the base camp near Shale Lake by helicopter. The camp will consist of one sleeping tent and one cooking tent. The research team will walk to several rock sections with 3 km of the base camp. Data collection will consist of measuring rocks with a ruler, taking photographs, and collecting up to 50 small (fist-sized) pieces with a hammer. The r...
Principal Investigator:Pratt, Brian R. Licensed Year(s):201220022000
Outcrops in the Mackenzie Mountains preserve an almost uninterrupted sequence of strata of Cambrian age. This study aims to collect in bed-by-bed detail the trilobite fossils from the Rockslide Formation, the Middle Cambrian portion of the sequence. The taxonomy and biostratigraphy of these fossils will generate a refined time scale for this part of the geologic column, some half a billion years o...
Principal Investigator:MacNaughton, Robert B. Licensed Year(s):
1997 Summary:
The research has two aims: 1) to examine the unit of rock called the Backbone Ranges Formation and 2) to examine the unit of rock known as the Twitya Formation which are several hundred million years old. Members of the field party will be transported to base camp by helicopter. Base-camp moves will also be done by helicopter. All ground work is to be done on foot. Data is collected through photog...
Principal Investigator:Bleeker, Wouter Licensed Year(s):200019991998
199619951994 Summary:
Map and describe the various rock types and assess their role in the complex geological history of the Slave Province. Fly-in / fly-out camps with small airplanes and small campsites to make daily traverses by boat or foot to study the local rocks. Small samples will be taken of interesting rocks; samples are fist sized....