8 record(s) found with the tag "geological mapping" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Glacial History and bedrock investigation in the Dessert Lake Drumlin Field, Northwest Territories.
Principal Investigator: Normandeau, Philippe X.
Licensed Year(s): 2021 2020
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4992. Surficial geology mapping and glacial history reconstruction play a crucial role in the understanding of Northern Canada. Not only are they essential to drift prospecting, a vital component of the northern mineral exploration, but they also support infrastructure development, help characterize terrain sensitivity and ...

Surficial mapping southern Mackenzie Valley
Principal Investigator: Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra ADR
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006 2005 2004
Summary: This project involves surficial geology mapping of unmapped areas of NTS 95 G, H, and I, (61ºN to 63ºN and 120ºW to 124ºW) to assess granular resources, slope instability (landslide occurrence and potential) due to instability of the active layer, forest fires, erosion, and other factors, and regional geochemical analysis of till and gravel samples. The GSC will be working to improve our under...

Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology of the Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island
Principal Investigator: Bell, Trevor
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1990 1988
Summary: Trevor Bell is a graduate student who will be walking back and forth across Fosheim Peninsula collecting rock samples and mapping the locations of different kinds of rocks and landforms. He wants to know what the glaciers were like, how much of the current landscape was formed by glacial activity, and how much of the land was under sea water because of the weight of the glaciers....

Quaternary history of Lake Hazen Basin, Ellesmere Island
Principal Investigator: Beaudet, Hector
Licensed Year(s): 1989 1988 1987
Summary: Dr. Beaudet and two students are investigating where the glaciers where long ago. They will also be extracting cores of sediments to see how the climates and plants differed between then and after the glaciers melted....

To map the surficial goelogy and the reconstruction of the late Quaternary history of Greely Fiord, north Central Ellesmere Island.
Principal Investigator: England, John H
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To complete basic surveying and mapping techniques around Cape Lockwood, Greely Fiord and the eastern coast of adjoining Canan Fiord, to asess the extent and timing of past glaciations in this area and their associated sea level adjustments. To collect fossil shells and driftwood for radiocarbon dating....

To map the glacial sediments (Quaternary Geology) of Southern Victoria Island, District of Franklin.
Principal Investigator: Sharpe, David R.
Licensed Year(s): 1988 1987
Summary: To indentify surface landforms and describe the sediments exposed within these landforms. Organic material (fossil sea shells, wood, etc.) is collected to help determine the age of the sediments. A map (scale 1:250,000) and report are to be published upon completion of the map....

To study the glacial history of Phillips Inlet, N.W. Ellesmere Island, NWT
Principal Investigator: Evans, David J.A.
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: This is a continuation of work begun in 1985 and 1986: to map the surficial geology and geomorphology in the area of Phillips Inlet and the Wootton Peninsula, N.W. Ellesmere Island; as well as to collect samples of shells from stratigraphic sections and driftwood from raised beaches for C14 dating....

Licence #5097
Principal Investigator: Kerr, Daniel E.
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: To undertake a stratigraphic and sedimentological study of Quaternary deposits, looking at sections of surficial deposits exposed along the River(s) to help clarify the deglaciation history of the area....