Principal Investigator:Norment, Christopher Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The Researcher will continue to study the breeding biology of the Harris' Sparrow and White-crowned Sparrow. He will collect both physical and genetic information which include factors such as weather, food supply, nest-site, predators, number of eggs, breeding cycle and condition of females....
Principal Investigator:Hankinson, Flt. LT. K.W. Licensed Year(s):
1988 Summary:
Multi-disciplinary research will be undertaken in botany, geology, micro meteorology, soil science, remote sensing, breeding biology of Arctic char and archaeological survey. These studies are a continuation of those begun in 1988....
Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and team will apply new tag technology and DNA analysis to a study of site tenacity and industrial disturbance of bowhead whales. They will test the feasibility of using sonic tags to track bowheads underwater and will be testing sampling methods for collecting skin from live whales for DNA analysis....
Principal Investigator:Innes, David J. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will investigate the relative contribution of two processes ( growth by adding new shoots from existing stems or new reproduction) for increasing the population size in a species of moss growing in the Iqaluit area....
Principal Investigator:Green, John M. Licensed Year(s):
To continue the ongoing study designed to investigate the postglacial dispersal patterns of freshwater and anadromous fishes by determining genetic relationships between fish populations inhabiting the rivers. Tissue samples will be collected and the genetic variations will be determined through analysis for selected proteins....
Principal Investigator:Hebert, Paul D.N. Licensed Year(s):
To continue work on the genetics and ecology of arctic freshwater organisms during 1987. To assess the levels of genetic diversity in ostracode populations, distributional patterns of the dominant ostracodes, while supplementary studies will examine the ecology of ostracode crustaceans and turbellarian flatworms. In addition small samples (5-10 individuals)of Salvelinus namaycush will be obtaine...
Principal Investigator:Marvin, LuDean Licensed Year(s):
To re-define the classification of the Potentilla nivea L. complex using methods based on modern plant systematics. Some of the techniques and methods to be used will include chromosome counts, pollen and seed viability tests, guard cell measurements, SEM of pollin exine variations, flavonoid chemistry and numerical analyses. Attempts will be made to determine if correlations exist between morph...
Principal Investigator:Boileau, Marc G. Licensed Year(s):19881987
The researcher will return to study the ecology and population genetics of freshwater invertebrates....
Principal Investigator:Cirone, Claire Licensed Year(s):
To collect tissue samples from Narwhal and Beluga for DNA extraction and cell cultures taken from a hunter kill to obtain a more detailed and completed picture of the DNA complex in Narwhal and Beluga whales....
Principal Investigator:Boileau, Marc G. Licensed Year(s):
To continue investigations on the ecology and population genetics of crustacean zooplankton: to focus on the genetic diversity of the four major species of copepods inhabiting the freshwater ponds in the Arctic and the distribution and dispersal of these species since glaciation....