Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):
20232022202120202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5902.
This project has two main objectives:
1) To monitor the recovery of NWT forests following wildfire to better understand post-fire changes on forest composition and ground vegetation
2) To develop baseline information about proposed forest management areas to support assessment of harvesting impacts on these areas...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):
20172016 Summary:
The main objective of this fieldwork is to support the collection of data for predictive caribou habitat mapping within the forested areas of the Taiga Plains and Taiga Shield Ecoregions in NWT, roughly south of Great Bear Lake. The research team will complete the establishment of a network of long-term study plots across a range of fire characteristics and vegetation types, where the team will me...
Principal Investigator:Greene, David F Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
The purpose of this project is to identify the factors that promote or retard forest regrowth after seismic line cutting. Little was known about tree regeneration on seismic lines until the 2001-2003 study by Seccombe-Hett and Walker-Larsen, which showed that older lines were well-stocked but that the delay in coloniziation might be caused by dramatic subsidence and resulting water-logging.
Principal Investigator:Van Gerwen-Toyne, Melanie Licensed Year(s):2003
20012000 Summary:
Baseline data on the rate of tree growth (productivity) and time required for trees to re-establish (regeneration) following fires and anthropogenic disturbances are required to determine forest sustainability and understand how habitat changes over time...
Principal Investigator:Landhaeusser, Simon M. Licensed Year(s):19921991
The Researcher will study regions of past burned areas south and north of Inuvik to determine if post-fire spruce establishment has occured not only on areas formally dominated by spruce, but also on larger areas that were formerly tundra....