Principal Investigator:Sharma, Sangita Licensed Year(s):
20192018 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4695.
The research team aim to learn about the health status of older adults, access to, and use of health services in Inuvik and Yellowknife to inform culturally-relevant, community-led programs for caregivers and older adults in NWT.
The objectives include:
1) Hearing from Indigenous older adults (aged 50+) about expe...
Principal Investigator:Wolf, Jake HP Licensed Year(s):
The first goal of the project is to design culturally appropriate long-term care facilities for the Beaufort Delta region of NWT. Many models for long-term care are transplanted from the south where the traditions and social norms around aging and dying may differ significantly. By engaging in discussions with the community in Inuvik the research team can weigh the pros and cons of various designs...
Principal Investigator:Horowitz, Wayne Licensed Year(s):
The immediate aims of The Sounds of Tukudh Project are: 1) to protect the existing recordings of the Tukudh Bible; 2) to place on record recording(s) of the Tukudh Syllabarium; and, 3) to begin the process of making a bibliography of existing recordings of Gwich’in.
The first goal will be met through the technical means of re-recording the existing tapes of the Tukudh Bible in digital form. T...
Principal Investigator:Estabrooks, Carole A Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
The purpose of the study is to identify and understand existing advice seeking networks among nursing homes in Canada.
The overall objectives of the study are to:
1. identify the structure of existing informal inter-organizational relationships among 958 nursing homes in Atlantic, Western and Northern Canada;
2. identify which nursing homes within the overall network link different groups of ho...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. compare previous research findings to measure changes in awareness and responses to older adult abuse;
2. gauge the impact of measures taken since the completion of 2010 research including the formation of networks, partnerships, training sessions, community events, and information campaigns; and,
3. consider next steps for preventing older adu...
Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
This project seeks to understand the impact of the Elders in Motion (EIM) program, which is a physical activity program developed by the Northwest Territories Recreation and Parks Association (NWTRPA), on past and current participants. It also seeks to understand the challenges that program facilitators and communities have faced in regards to implementing the program and how they have dealt with ...
Principal Investigator:Bott, Gloria Licensed Year(s):2014
The objectives of this study are to:
1. Provide a rich background and context for the study topic with input from key older adults in NWT,
2. engage older adults living in the NWT to identify the current actual and potential influences upon and threats to their Quality of Life (QOL), and
3. provide older adults with information that could influence policy decisions related to the QOL for older ...
Principal Investigator:Jaker, Alessandro M Licensed Year(s):20142013
2009200820072005 Summary:
This project will produce two published materials, in Dogrib and Chipewyan: an intermediate-level reader, and a verb dictionary. The reader will contain elders' stories on topics from Dene Kede, with a focus on animals: the research team would like to include at least two short stories on each animal in both languages. The verb dictionary will list at least 200 verbs in each language, with the...
Principal Investigator:Balanoff, Helen Licensed Year(s):
20072007 Summary:
Through a partnership of Inuinnait communities and the British Museum, this project aims to repatriate traditional knowledge (language, literacies, narratives, values and beliefs) through viewing and visiting “things that talk” (historical photographs and objects) currently in the British Museum in London, England.
This project involves visual repatriation of traditional knowledge through histo...
Principal Investigator:MacLean, Michael J. Licensed Year(s):
The main focus of this study is to gather information about the realities and issues surrounding pain and palliative care with seniors in Northern Canada. This information will then be analyzed in order to determine whether the guidelines developed by the Pain & Aging NET are applicable within a Northern and remote context. These guidelines focus primarily upon pain assessment, pain treatment, eff...