Principal Investigator:Alexie, Elaine D. Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research project is to gather information on practices of Indigeneity: the spiritual, physical, and cultural practices of the Teetl’it Gwich’in from the community of Fort McPherson. The researcher will be interviewing Teetl’it Gwich’in knowledge holders who can provide insight to the concept of Indigeneity and the significance it holds for them. A major focus of this project ...
Principal Investigator:Douglas, Vasiliki K Licensed Year(s):
2010 Summary:
The purpose of this project is to assist the Inuvialuit in adaptation planning that will meet ongoing environmental and social challenges, while also maintaining their rights under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The existing knowledge, skills and networks that facilitate such adaptations are important community ‘assets’ that form the basis of capacity-building. The goal ...
Principal Investigator:Jaker, Alessandro M Licensed Year(s):20142013
2009200820072005 Summary:
This project will produce two published materials, in Dogrib and Chipewyan: an intermediate-level reader, and a verb dictionary. The reader will contain elders' stories on topics from Dene Kede, with a focus on animals: the research team would like to include at least two short stories on each animal in both languages. The verb dictionary will list at least 200 verbs in each language, with the...
Principal Investigator:Parkins, John R Licensed Year(s):
Given the current development context in the NWT and the call for improved data collection pertaining to social and cultural well-being, project objectives are three fold: (1) Assess current Aboriginal cultural practices with respect to Aboriginal language use, country food harvest, and other practices; (2) Compare current levels of Aboriginal cultural practices with earlier research (e.g., Fort L...
Principal Investigator:Tolley, Charles (Chuck) H Licensed Year(s):
The objectives are to determine the success factors at Chief Jimmy Bruneau School and to publish these in a final report that will provide evidence-based information and recommendations that other aboriginal schools could incorporate into improving education for aboriiginal students.
The research will take place at Chief Jimmy Bruneau School in Bechoko. Interviews will take place with a variet...
Principal Investigator:Millar, Nathan P Licensed Year(s):
Gwich’in people living in Tsiigehtchic have fished for broad whitefish, lake whitefish, inconnu, and ciscoes along the Arctic Red and Mackenzie Rivers for generations. Today, fishing is still an important livelihood, and fish comprise a major food source. The proper management of these resources is, therefore, a priority in the community of Tsiighetchic. A five-year study completed by the Gwich’in...
Principal Investigator:Chambers, Cynthia Licensed Year(s):2006
2004 Summary:
In this project the multiple literacies in the community of Holman are being examined. The researchers will gather information on precontact traditional Inuinnaqtun literacy, and on post contact historical literacy. The information will then be examined to see what aspects of these literacies can still be seen in Holman today. Traditional literacy on themes identified by community members will be ...
Principal Investigator:Lyons, Natasha L. Licensed Year(s):2006
This project was first suggested by the Aklavik Community Corporation and is a collaboration between the researcher and the community. The Inuvialuit community in Aklavik recognizes that Elders' knowledge is being lost very quickly and this has spurred...
Principal Investigator:Wicks, Darren Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the research is to develop a Dene Games Educational Website for Chief Jimmy Bruneau School that can be used as an educational tool in the classroom. The website will be about the history, cultural significance, stories, old and new pict...
Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
This project involves working with the Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board, the Tetlit Gwich'in Renewable Resources Committee and elders/harvesters from Fort McPherson to document traditional indicators and methods for community-based monitoring. The main...