Principal Investigator:Drolet, Andree Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4582.
These studies are to support upcoming regulatory applications for the Pine Point Project being developed by Pine Point Mining Limited (PPML).
The additional baseline studies include but are not limited to surface water quality and quantity, groundwater water quality, aquatic environment monitoring, fish and fish ha...
Principal Investigator:Miller, Matthew Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4565.
The objective of this project is to conduct Aquatic Effects Monitoring. This will include three parts:
1) Riparian Habitat and Fish Usage Assessment. This is a study to monitor the trends and fluctuations of the aquatic environment along the riparian zones within the Taltson River from Nonacho Lake to Twin Gorges ...
Principal Investigator:Low, George Licensed Year(s):2021
20182017 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4573.
The objectives of this study are to:
1) establish a population estimate of walleye in Sanguez Lake;
2) establish an additional estimate of fish mercury concentrations in walleye and pike. In 2013, mean mercury concentration in walleye was 0.71 mg/kg wet weight, and in pike was 1.09 mg/kg wet weight;
3) reduce the n...
Principal Investigator:Stern, Gary Licensed Year(s):
The short-term goals are to determine if 2019 burbot contaminant concentrations: 1) remain below Health Canada guidelines (i.e. <0.5 ppm mercury per gram fish); 2) are associated with dietary indicators to determine the influence of diet (via stable isotope ratios) on contaminant concentrations in current fish, although previous results suggested no association; and, 3) as well as to look for link...
Principal Investigator:Krizan, Julia Licensed Year(s):
2018201720162015201320112010 Summary:
The objectives of the Site Remediation Program (scheduled to be completed in 2019 and 2020) are: 1) to remove and dispose of exposed historic solid waste (including barrels, batteries, debris, wood and other waste); and 2) to finalize construction of a contaminated soil and waste containment structure to contain impacted soil excavated from areas at the site.
The 2019 Site activities may includ...
Principal Investigator:Palmer, Mike Licensed Year(s):
20182017 Summary:
The overarching objectives of this research are two-fold:
1)To investigate watershed and within-lake abiotic processes affecting the recovery of mine-impacted lakes in the Yellowknife area, including storage and release of arsenic from soils, seasonal dynamics of arsenic export in runoff, and fluxes of arsenic to and from lake sediments; and
2) To investigate the toxicological consequences of ...
Principal Investigator:Zdanowicz, Christian M Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The goal of this project is to identify and quantify (measure) the different possible sources of toxic mercury that is transported in rivers of the Mackenzie River basin, all the way down to the Beaufort Sea. In particular, the research team want to establish how much mercury comes from "modern" sources (like distant air pollution, runoff from rain/snow, wash-out from surface soils, etc.) and how ...
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Brent BBW Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The seven-year objective of Sub-Arctic Meteal Mobility Study (SAMMS) is to identify, quantify, and predict mobility of natural-source and legacy mine-source metals in soil, wetlands, and lake sediments that extend from former, present, and planned mine sites currently and as climate change alters the quantity and quality of dissolved organic matter produced and exported in subarctic NWT watersheds...
Principal Investigator:Aitken, Alec E. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are 1) to discover what knowledge residents have about local environmental contamination; 2) to discover what local residents believe about the risks to themselves and their families of living near areas of environmental contamination; and 3) assess the adequacy and effectiveness of information programs designed to provide information to the public concernin...
Principal Investigator:Campbell, Joseph W Licensed Year(s):
2017201620152014 Summary:
Follow-up on exploration activity associated with Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board land use permit MV2014C0005 on Terrax Minerals Inc. City of Yellowknife Gold Project. Work would include initial environmental baseline work, and expansion of research programs to establish sufficient study for possible future Environmental Impact Assessment of potential mine development if exploration activiti...