Principal Investigator:Tank, Suzanne E Licensed Year(s):2013
This study will examine the solar degradation of riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to carbon dioxide (CO2) throughout the Mackenzie River Delta. During the spring runoff peak just before summer solstice, ice-jam flooding inundates the Delta with river water, which spreads out in a relatively thin layer over an extended area and is exposed to 24-hour Arctic sunlight. Because river flows are s...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):201720162015201420102009
20062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
Specific activities for this field season include the following:
(1) Resolution of the sources and fates of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in aquatic food webs of the Mackenzie Delta (year 3 of PhD thesis project of S. Tank). This information is needed to ultimately understand the relative role of bacterial (fueled by DOC) versus photosynthetic organisms and their importance in ultimately sup...