Principal Investigator:Pumpanen, Jukka S Licensed Year(s):
The field work in Trail Valley Creek and Inuvik aims to study: 1) how catchment characteristics, such as vegetation and soil properties, control the amount and quality of aquatic dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its microbial degradability, and 2) how these factors further regulate greenhouse gas fluxes (carbon dioxide CO2, methane CH4, nitrous oxide N2O) from Arctic lakes.
At the Dempster hi...
Principal Investigator:Pumpanen, Jukka S Licensed Year(s):2018
The aim of the ARCTICFIRE project is to study the long term effects of natural forest fires on the decomposition of soil organic matter in the northern arctic and subarctic forests. The research team will study the changes in size and quality of soil carbon and nitrogen pools and fluxes after forest fires and their underlying processes in the arctic and subarctic zone, especially the interactions ...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):20172016201520142010200920072006
200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The long term goal of this research is to develop a biogeochemical model for lakes in the Mackenzie Delta and a model for assessing the effects of stresses on rivers resulting from global change. This is year 13 of a 20 year program. Specific goals for this field season include: 1) investigating the sources and fates of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in aquatic food webs of the Mackenzie Delta; 2)...