Principal Investigator:Insley, Stephen J Licensed Year(s):20172016
2014 Summary:
The main objective of the current study is to assess the impacts of increased shipping and sea-ice loss on marine mammals in the eastern Beaufort Sea. The primary methodology is passive acoustic monitoring at the western entrance to the Northwest Passage shipping route, particularly the Amundsen Gulf and Banks Island area.
To accomplish the objectives, the research team has designed a program t...
Principal Investigator:Dyke, Arthur S. Licensed Year(s):20032002
2000 Summary:
Each two person team will work out of 4 field camps, each occupied for 10 days. The camps will be put in the field by Twin Otter Aircraft. From each camp, the team will travel by 4-wheel ATV, using a different route each day. At each site, samples of 20-500 grams will be collected for radiocarbon dating. The elevation will be measured at each sample collection point....
Principal Investigator:Dyke, Arthur S. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the work in western Victoria Island is to start establishing a postglacial history for the Beaufort Sea bowhead whale. We have done this very successfully for the Baffin Bay bowhead whale. This is a study of geological fossils, not of living whales, nor of bones at archaeological sites. This information will be used to find out how much sea ice cover has changed through time. A 2 ...
Principal Investigator:Finley, Kerry J. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
Since 1983, Word Wildlife Fund has supported research on the bowhead of Isabella Bay. This research, representing the first ever conducted on this species, has identified Isabella Bay to be one of the most important habitats for bowhead in the eastern arctic. The whales use the area to feed, socialize and shelter them from killer whales. The researcher will continue his study of bowhead behavi...
Principal Investigator:Savelle, James M. Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The researcher and his team will take a series of measurements on crania and mandibles of naturally stranded early Holocene bowhead whales. This will enable the original length of individual bowheads at death to be determined. These data will have immediate applications in the fields of environmental change and Thule archaeology....
Principal Investigator:Mate, Bruce R. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The Researchers will once again attempt to tag 12 bowhead whales. They will study how the whales move about during the feeding season and where and when they migrate west out of the Beaufort Sea. They will determine whether the migratory routes or timing vary between different kinds of animals and will determine the dive habits of the tagged animals....
Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and team will apply new tag technology and DNA analysis to a study of site tenacity and industrial disturbance of bowhead whales. They will test the feasibility of using sonic tags to track bowheads underwater and will be testing sampling methods for collecting skin from live whales for DNA analysis....
Principal Investigator:Sekarak, Aaron Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Sekarak and his team will be collecting samples of plankton and ocean water from the Canadian Beaufort Sea coastline. These samples will be brought back to the Inuvik laboratory for analysis. At Shingle Point, the researchers will also be recording weather conditions and the temperature, clarity, and salt content of the ocean. They hope to use this information to find out more about importa...
Principal Investigator:Davis, Rolph A. Licensed Year(s):
To employ recently developed photogrammetric techniques to determine reproductive parameters of the bowhead whale and the status of the Western Arctic bowhead population; and the sampling of zooplakton to determine the availability of bowhead food in the Canadian Beaufort Sea....
Principal Investigator:McDonald, John W. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct bowhead whale surveys by (1) systematic aerial surveys, (2) satellite oceanography and ground truthing, and (3) photogrammetric and reconnaissance studies....