Principal Investigator:Green, John M. Licensed Year(s):1993
1988 Summary:
Underwater observations will be made on benthic fishes at the study site by scuba, and some fish specimens will be collected for laboratory analysis of their food habits, growth rates and fecundity. Data will be compared with similar data collected on benthic fishes in northern Hudson Bay....
Principal Investigator:Welch, Harold Licensed Year(s):199319921991
19881987 Summary:
Dr. Welch and his project personnel will continue work on a study which began in 1984. The objective of the study continues to be the quantification of food web leading to marine mammal and bird production in the Canadian Marine Arctic....
Principal Investigator:Lowings, Malcolm G. Licensed Year(s):
A winter survey of oceanographic conditions; biological sampling of life forms at all levels in the water column including sampling of bottom sediments....