Principal Investigator:Copper, Paul Licensed Year(s):
The current study will re-examine the detailed structure, sedimentology, and paleoecology of the Devonian patch reefs of Mercy Bay, Banks Island, NWT. Transportation by fixed-wing aircraft to Polar Bear cabin near Castel Bay will be followed by helicopte...
Principal Investigator:Copper, Paul Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
The current study will re-examine the detailed structure, sedimentology, and paleoecology of the Devonian patch reefs of Mercy Bay, Banks Island, NWT. Transportation by fixed-wing aircraft to Polar Bear cabin near Castel Bay will be followed by helicopte...
Principal Investigator:MacNeil, Alex Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
The purpose of this study (2003 component) is to examine the fossilized types of corals that are found in the regional geological formations. Locally these corals coalesced to form mini-reefs, with interesting ecological characteristics. From the study...
Principal Investigator:Edinger, Evan N Licensed Year(s):
2000 Summary:
The research team will examine the detailed structure, sedimentology and paleoecology of reefs in Mercy Bay. Transportation by fixed-wing aircraft to Polar Bear cabin near Castel Bay will be followed by helicopter transport to various field sites (East Branch Mercy River; Lower Mercy River; Southern Patch reefs; Princess Royal Islands; Hay Point, Victoria Island; Gordon Point, Victoria Island). ...
Principal Investigator:Narbonne, Guy Licensed Year(s):2001
1998199619941992199119891988 Summary:
For several years researchers have been examining a rock unit called the Sheepbed Formation in the Mackenzie Mountains. In 1998 fossil reefs were located in this structure. The goal of the 1999 field season is to identify the types of organisms which created the reef structures and what the climate was like when they were built. Members of the field party will be transported to the base camps by h...
Principal Investigator:Narbonne, Guy Licensed Year(s):
Study 800 million year old fossil reefs near Wynniatt Bay on Victoria Island. Will fly to the site using Polar Shelf Twin-Otter aircraft. Measurements and pictures will be taken of the rocks and about 100 kg of rock samples will be collected with a hammer. The rock samples will be studied back at the university....
Principal Investigator:Narbonne, Guy Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
At each locality, we will measure the rock section with a tape and collect samples with a hammer. Samples collected will be examined under a microscope and using geochemical techniques at Queen's University. Research will concentrate on determining conditions under which these reefs (1200 million year old fossil reefs on the Borden Peninsula) grew and comparing it with the condition under which mo...
Principal Investigator:Dixon, O.A. Licensed Year(s):
199219901988 Summary:
In the Arctic Islands, we are studying rocks and the fossils found within these rocks that were formed more than 400 million years ago in warm tropical seas. This study is expected to help in describing the temperatures, climate and water depths of these ancient seas. We are also studying the types of fossil corals and sponge-like animals that are not present in our seas today....
Principal Investigator:Kah, Linda Licensed Year(s):1994
Stromatolites are variously shaped mounds or reefs composed of sediments and the fossilized remains of single-celled marine organisms called blue-green algae. There are massive fossil reefs located on Baffin Island which are some of the largest known of their age. By studying the structure, form and chemical make-up of these reefs, information about the ancient ocean and the growth of ancient re...
Principal Investigator:Bellow, Jonathan Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The Researchers will continue analysis of rocks from ancient reefs in the Hay River area....