Reconciliation through Reciprocity in Western Arctic Communities

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: education, reconciliation

chercheur principal: Santos, Jennifer (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 17452
Organisation: University of British Columbia
Année(s) de permis: 2024
Délivré: janv. 16, 2024
Équipe de projet: N/A

Objectif(s): To create a conversation between educators at the school and members of the community that specifically focuses on what reconciliation looks like in Ulukhaktok.

Description du projet: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5637. The objective of this research is to create a conversation between educators at the school and the members of the community that specifically focuses on what reconciliation looks like in Ulukhaktok. The question to be explored is: How can settler educators in Ulukhaktok engage in consensual conversations with Ulukhaktokmiut that demonstrate reciprocity? Additionally, how can this study cultivate actionable steps of anti-colonialism specific to the community, the land, and the people in Ulukhaktok? The research methodology being used is a qualitative approach through practitioner inquiry and critical participatory action research. The participants will be members of the school staff, specifically at Helen Kalvak Elihakvik and community members. Data will be collected through the use of a journal, whether an audio or written journal, that will be transcribed or a personal written one. Additionally, data will be collected through four focus groups and four interviews, either through audio-recorded transcripts or observation notes. Detailed Steps: - Recruitment and consent letters are dispersed and returned. - Third–party recruiter will inform the researcher which teachers have decided to participate in the study. - DEA members will recruit community members for each focus group topic and will inform the researcher prior to the focus group taking place. - Each month a different focus group will take place, and the participants will be invited to meet in either the school site or the community hall. This will take place after school hours and will take approximately 90 minutes. Participants will include in-school teachers, the researcher and selected community members. The researcher will email all participants with the focus group’s date, time and location. These sessions will be audio-recorded and transcribed. - Focus group one (January): Participants will listen to a community member(s), and may ask questions regarding the theme of reconciliation and relationship through storytelling. This also may include context relevant to cultural practices taking place within the community at the time. Teacher participants may use this as an opportunity to journal reflectively during this time, or following the session and are encouraged to keep journaling on their own journey of reconciliation and how it might look following the focus groups. - Focus group two (February): Participants will listen to a community member(s), and may ask questions regarding the theme of an Elder's role in reconciliation and relationship. This also may include context relevant to cultural practices taking place within the community at the time. Teacher participants may use this as an opportunity to journal reflectively during this time, or following the session. - Focus group three (March): Participants will listen to a community member(s), and may ask questions regarding the theme of locations in Ulukhaktok regarding reconciliation and relationships. This also may include context relevant to cultural practices taking place within the community at the time. Teacher participants may use this as an opportunity to journal reflectively during this time, or following the session. - Focus group four (April): Participants will listen to a community member(s), and may ask questions regarding the theme of ancestral sites and celebrations within Ulukhaktok related to Reconciliation and Relationship. This also may include context relevant to cultural practices taking place within the community at the time. Teacher participants may use this as an opportunity to journal reflectively during this time, or following the session. - Teacher Participants will also be asked to participate in an interview once a month 3 or 4 weeks following the focus groups. They will be invited to freely speak to their journals as well as asked the following targeted questions: - 1. What are your thoughts now, and did the conversation contribute to any new thoughts? - 2. How has this affected your own understanding of reconciliation and relationship? - 3. Has any new language stuck out to you? - 4. How do the experiences you heard impact your current practice or views on reconciliation and relationships within the school and/or education? - 5. What thoughts come up about history or questions that you have regarding the conversations that took place? - These interviews will be audio recorded and approximately 60 minutes long. These interviews will occur after school hours, in person. Participants will decide whether their reflective journals can be used as artifacts for data analysis or just the information they shared in the recorded interview. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from: January 01 - September 01, 2024