Canadian Zinc - Prairie Creek Winter Access Road Fisheries Studies
Principal Investigator: Thomas, Craig J (9)
Licence Number: 14382
Organization: Imattiavak Consulting
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2005
Issued: Jul 07, 2008
Project Team: Richard Pope (Senior Biologist/Environmental Advisor, Dillon Consulting Ltd.), Janet Scott (Project Bologist, Dillon Consulting Ltd.), Joe VanHumbeck (Project Biologist, Dillon Consulting Ltd.) ... Show more Show less

Objective(s): Objectives of this research will be to confirm the presence or absence of fish habitat at stream crossings associated with the Prairie Creek Winter Access Road alignment and if present document fish habitat characteristics (physical).

Project Description: Objectives of this research will be to confirm the presence or absence of fish habitat at stream crossings associated with the Prairie Creek Winter Access Road alignment and if present document fish habitat characteristics (physical). The information will support documentation requirements for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans relating to the Fisheries Act and the potential need for a Fisheries Authorization for the re-establishment of the Winter Access Road to proceed in the 2008 season and the creation of a Fish Habitat Compensation and Monitoring Plan supported by existing baseline conditions. Collected data will include a description of the physical characteristics of streams/drainages crossed or encroached by the winter access road alignment that are considered to be fish habitats and along creek areas that may be considered for habitat enhancement or creation and inclusion in the Habitat Compensation Plan. ... Show more Field staff will be transported to the base camp at Prairie Creek Mine site by fixed wing or helicopter and will access study locations along the winter access road alignment by foot and helicopter. Results will be communicated in the form of a study report, mailed and faxed to all interested parties and posted on the Canadian Zinc website. The study will be conducted at specific drainages either crossed or encroached on by the historic winter road alignment. The existing road alignment leaves the Prairie Creek minesite at about 850m elevation, heading north adjacent to Prairie Creek for about 7 km before turning east to climb up through the Mackenzie Mountains. Fieldwork will be conducted from July 07 to September 30, 2008, at Prairie Creek and its tributaries (including Funeral Creek and its tributaries), Harrison Creek and its tributaries, and Sundog Creek (from its headwaters to Cat Camp) and its tributaries. The Prairie Creek Mine site will act as the base camp for the field assessments. Show less