6 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) à l’emplacement "" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Legislating Space: Cartographic technologies, geological data, indigenous land governance and the Mineral Resources Act of the Northwest Territories, Canada.
chercheur principal: Becker, Matilda L
Année(s) de permis: 2019 2018
Résumé: The goal of this project is to examine how the burgeoning use of digital technologies (Online Map Staking) and data (Geological data sharing) might have a cumulative impact on people’s land-based legal rights. This research is qualitative and will involve direct interaction with members of the scientific, indigenous, non-indigenous and government/non-governmental community based in Yellowknife...

Bridging Restorative Justice and Crime Prevention through Social Development
chercheur principal: McNeice, Julie
Année(s) de permis: 2003
Résumé: The purpose of this project is to identify and explain where crime prevention through social development intercepts with restorative justice, in order to provide an integrated, seamless delivery approach. One objective is to suggest a new and renewed co...

Interest Group Activities in the Northwest Territories
chercheur principal: Giesbrecht, Terri
Année(s) de permis: 2003
Résumé: This project will investigate patterns of interest group activity in the Northwest Territories. Interest groups serve an important function as a communication channel between citizens and government in the policy process. The main goal of this project i...

Changing Institutions for Sustainable Water Management
chercheur principal: Prystupa, Mark
Année(s) de permis: 1996
Résumé: This study is to evaluate how the changing legislation, policy and procedures for water management provides for the sustainable utilisation of the resource. This will involve informal unstructured interviews as the primary data source. Queries will be directed to a description of the institutional arrangements, and the evaluation of criteria. An analysis of pertinent newspaper articles, governm...

Land rights in Canada and New Zealand
chercheur principal: Cant, Garth
Année(s) de permis: 1993
Résumé: The researcher is collecting published reports, legislation, newsletters, management plans, books and journal articles on the Nunavut and James Bay and Northern Quebec land claims in order to compare these land claims with the Nisga'a land claim. This study will also provide New Zealanders with an overview of the initiatives taken by claimants and the Crown in Canada. Informal discussions will a...

Nation-wide Investigation of Aboriginal Peoples' Issues
chercheur principal: on Aboriginal Peoples, Royal Commission
Année(s) de permis: 1993
Résumé: The Royal Commission has a sixteen part mandate and a detailed research plan. Research will be conducted both in-house and by researchers who are contracted to examine specific research topics. One licence has been issued to the Deputy Director on behalf of the Royal Commission for the northern component of this comprehensive study. Both the mandate and the research plan are available from the ...