781 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Homeless in a homeland: housing insecurity and resource development in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Christensen, Julia B
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2007
Summary: This licence is issued for the scientific research application No.691. This research aims to understand the meaning of housing insecurity and how it relates to homelessness. This will allow for an improved understanding of northern homelessness, how it is affected by economic growth, and how strategies to improve housing security may help to reduce homelessness. Fieldwork in Paulatuk will i...

The Rules of Engagement? NWT Negotiated Agreements and Environmental Assessment
Principal Investigator: Lukas-Amulung, Sandra E
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: The objectives of this research are to: describe the problematic overlap between NWT environmental assessment (EA) and negotiated agreements (NA); prepare several project review process models to explore possible relationships between NA and EA; evaluate the models and select a preferred model during an expert workshop; and assess the suitability of the preferred model using the views of First Nat...

Journalisten am Polarkreis (Journalists in the North)
Principal Investigator: Raphael, Fabian
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: This license has been issued for the scientific research application #972. The objective of this research is to study how climatic extremes and geographical isolation affects Yellowknife journalists. 20 qualitative interviews will be conducted with journalist in the NWT. Conversations will concern: Do climatic and geographical conditions affect the selection and implementation of news topics?...

The Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus and Its Impact on Cervical Dysplasia in the Northwest Territories: Component II
Principal Investigator: Mao, Yang
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2008
Summary: This license has been issued for the scientific research application #938. The objectives of this study are: 1. examine the impact of social, demographic, lifestyle and behaviour factors to the HPV infection prevalence in NWT; 2. establish the baseline for evaluating the HPV vaccine program in future. The study population includes: women from the following 12 communities: Behchoko (Rae-Edzo)...

Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Land Use Studies for the Fortune Minerals NICO cobalt-gold-bismuth Project (2009)
Principal Investigator: Schryer, Rick P.
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2008
Summary: This license has been issued for the scientific research application #721. The objective of the research is to conduct TK and TLU studies in Behchoko, Whati, Gameti, Wekweeti, and Yellowknife with representatives of the Dogrib and Métis. The studies will be part of obtaining permits to operate a mine at the NICO Project location. Study participants will be interviewed either individually or...

Prevalence, determinants and impact of arthritis and other chronic conditions in the First Nations populations of Canada, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Young, Kue
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This license has been issued for the scientific research application #957. The objectives of this study are to: 1) determine prevalence and identify risk factors of arthritis and other chronic conditions among First Nations in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Canada; 2) assess the impact of these conditions on health, well-being and access to health services; 3) enhance the capacity of the ...

Risk factors associated with a tuberculosis (TB) outbreak in a Canadian Northern population
Principal Investigator: Schreiber, Yoko S
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This license has been issued for the scientific research application #952. The purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors associated with the high rate of TB transmission and incidence leading to the 1997 TB outbreak. This study will examine issues with delay in diagnosis and contact tracing, as well as identifying environmental, behavioural and innate risk factors associated with ...

What are the issues related to Regional Intergovernmental Cooperation and Coordination within Disaster and Emergency Management?
Principal Investigator: Russell, Ivan
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This licence is issued for the scientific research application #919. The goals of this research project are to 1) examine intergovernmental disaster and emergency management (DEM) coordination and cooperation requirements at the regional level; 2) highlight areas within the northern DEM structure that meet these requirements; 3) identify possible areas of improvement and assess opinions and con...

Phase 2: Strengthening the Quality of Community Health Nursing Practice: A Pan-Canadian Survey of Community Health Nurses' Continuing Education Needs
Principal Investigator: Valaitis, Ruta
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This licence is issued for the scientific research application #917. The objectives of this research are 1) to identify community health nurses current practice activities and their continuing education needs based on the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice 2) to investigate differences in continuing education needs by: i. workplace setting (e.g. primary care, home health care, publi...

Transferring Mine Knowledge: a Look at Complex-Value-Based Strategies in the Wek'eezhii Region of the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Chouinard, Rebecca R
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This license has been issued for the scientific research application #875. This research aims to define a recognized model for transferring technical knowledge related to mining operations to communities and resource managers in an un-biased manner that speaks to the needs and values of the community. If successful, this knowledge-transfer model will aid in negotiations, regulatory reviews, and...