Principal Investigator:Lamon, Martha Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will use quantitative research methods, utilizing a questionnaire that has been adapted from the Ontario First Nations AIDS and Healthy Lifestyle Survey (1993) with their permission. Using "quota sampling", the researcher plans to sample survey 60 women, youths and inmates and as many drug users as possible from Northern Addictions Services....
Principal Investigator:Schwert, Donald P. Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The sample of arctic-alpine ground-beetles will be collected under rocks and by pitfall traps (dixie cups placed in 8 cm diameter drilled holes) in the tundra habitat. All rocks will be replaced exactly and pitfall trap holes refilled with their soil plugs. No chemicals will be used in any of the trapping or collecting. Specimens will be analysed using DNA techniques which include RLPF's and PC...
Principal Investigator:Chisholm-Smith, Alexandra Licensed Year(s):
The researcher, as part of a wider study on healing, will use a participatory research method to gain insight into the issue of incarcerated women in the NWT. Interviews will take place with women presently incarcerated in the North as well as with those directly involved (healers, correctional officers, government and interest groups)....
Principal Investigator:Irlbacher, Stephanie Licensed Year(s):
In gathering information for this research, the researcher will conduct interviews with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal elected representatives, policy makers, and officials of the Department of Renewable Resources and Health and Social Services. As well the researcher will conduct interviews with interested observers from Aboriginal Cultural institutes, Aboriginal organizations and community group...
Principal Investigator:Zarowny, Sister Mary Licensed Year(s):
Local church personnel or volunteers will invite those who wish to participate in evening or weekend sessions to discuss their realities and answer a number of open ended questions. Local followup may result from these sessions. Summaries of sessions will be forwarded to the coordinator and used for development of further reflection processes and pastoral strategies....
Principal Investigator:Christensen, Jill Licensed Year(s):
19941993 Summary:
The researchers will continue to collect information on the consumption patterns in traditional and store-bought foods as well as lifestyle patterns (e.g., fishing and hunting activities, health beliefs, traditional food use) of residents of N'Dilo and Dettah. This information will be combined with results from the BAck Bay Fish Study (contaminants in fish) in order that human health implications ...
Principal Investigator:Keillor, Elaine Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
The documentation and recording of the stories and songs of the Dene will hopefully provide a valuable resource for the Dene educational system and culture. Interviews with drummers/singers will be conducted to futher the researcher's understanding of the musical activities of these communities. The researcher would like to analyze the recordings with transliterations and translations from her 19...
Principal Investigator:Seddon, Laura Licensed Year(s):1995
This activity will help expand the human health baseline on exposure and effects of environmental contaminants on humans in the NWT. Blood will be sampled from participating mothers and from the umbilical cord to determine the levels of specific organochlorines and heavy metals. This activity will involve the participation of communities and community health workers in all aspects including desi...
Principal Investigator:Adkins, Gary Licensed Year(s):
The Territorial Government has stated that it would like to see zero tolerance towards violence in the family and that there should be more input from youth in regards to their feelings on what affects them. Teens in Sir John Franklin and St. Patrick High Schools will be asked to participate in a questionnaire on abuse. This information will be used to assess the issues that teens face. This st...
Principal Investigator:Harris, Ronald W. Licensed Year(s):
Nurses presently employed in the various health delivery settings across the NWT will be surveyed to identify the factors contributing to longer tenure. Data will be collected and analyzed in order to assess trends and models for recruitment screening and nurse hiring practices will be developed....