Principal Investigator:Prather, Colleen Licensed Year(s):2021
2019201820172016201520142012201120102009200820072006200520042002200120001999 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4635.
The objective of this research are to conduct environmental monitoring of wildlife, vegetation, air quality, hydrology, and aquatic effects in the Snap Lake study area. The research team will collect incidental observational data of wildlife near the Snap Lake Mine.
Through this project the research team will coll...
Principal Investigator:Jacobsen, Petter F Licensed Year(s):
2009 Summary:
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application No.1294.
The research is part of the larger research project on the correlation between increased forest fires and decreasing caribou population in the Northwest Territories. The intent is to record TEK concerning environments rebounding from forest fires, the correlation between these areas and the caribou population,...
Principal Investigator:Buckland, Laurie L Licensed Year(s):
The Wha Ti Charter Community proposes to develop a run-of-river hydro facility on the La Martre river. The isolated community would like to replace its current diesel generator with a more sustainable, energy efficient and less costly system. An environm...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The Dene Nation asked the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs to conduct a survey about fish caught in the Mackenzie Valley. Lutra Assoc. will be training someone in each community to ask questions like this: How many fish are not normal and why? Where are these caught? How much fish are people eating? Is this changing because more abnormal fish are being caught? What would happen if pe...
Principal Investigator:Calef, George Licensed Year(s):
To carry out monitoring and research studies of all major caribou herds and wolves which may include marking, tagging and collaring....